
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Vipe

  1. I've been holding that crown for way too long ?
  2. I've been holding that crown for way too long :weary:
  3. I've been holding that crown for too long :weary:
  4. Sandbu wouldn't even be S tier if they were the only ones on that List.
  5. I think there should also be a Checkmark option on the character creation that allows you to be Leaf/Sand/Mist Rogue to begin with. Maybe with a warning that says (Not recommended for new players) since it is pretty difficult as a lvl 1 rogue.
  6. Why is there a limit on how many missions you can pick and why is it only 3 per day? There is not really much to do for below 50s after doing their daily missions since grinding mobs is everything but not a solid way to lvl up. I understand that lvling is supposed to be a journey and it is supposed to be fun but with the RNG on Missions you have days on which you get 3 Low XP missions / Missions that you can't do for whatever reason be it lack of ressources or accesabliity of the Location (for example when a village is too heavily guarded for a Low lvl to sneak in). Thats why I believe that it would be a good idea to increase the daily mission limit by 1 or 2 missions per day and in return Reduce the Ryo that you get from certain missions slightly so that it doesn't effect the Economy too much.
  7. Crystal Fan is so powerful it even made Lumy good.
  8. The righteous suffer and wicked thrive harassing world where the villains rule cheers
  9. Vipe


    Peacelist is for pussys
  10. Rory said it has to do with client stuttering and it will be fixed with the new client, its ridiculous so I hope it gets fixed soon
  11. Vipe

    Weekly Event-1

    Vipe (Akatsuki) 60 Wind/Lightning
  12. I'm not complanining but it's a fact that all the players you mentioned got their buttcheeks spread by village numbers its always been that way. You can be as good as you want but it doesnt mean shit when you're stunlocked by Homings
  13. Man Once again you are dickriding and acting dumb I was in akatsuki during and before that It was always the same and you have clearly no idea what you're talking about.
  14. When someone hits you while your charging chakra, it will stop.
  15. Looked 2 minutes for it didn't get what you are saying, Irrelevant.