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  1. It has almost no CP cost, low cooldown, very high projectile speed to compensate costing money. If there is something that not much thought was put into, it is your reply.
  2. That would be a good change for it as well.
  3. It's the same speed as Religious Katana and Iron Scythe which have better base damage to STR invested ratio than it does. If Kyuketsuki as lvl 54 and 120 STR req does not need a buff, then those 2 swords need a nerf.
  4. This sword needs a slight increase in base damage. It's current one is a bit low considering it's level and STR requirement. Swords of much lower level and STR requirement that have the same attack speed as this sword have a better ratio of base damage to STR requirement than it does. Kyuketsuki = 42 base damage, 120 STR requirement, level 54, rare = 0.35 base damage per STR requirement Iron Scythe = 28 base damage, 75 STR requirement, level 42, rare = 0.373 base damage per STR requirement Religious Katana = 26 base damage, 70 STR requirement, level 40, legendary = 0.371 base damage per STR requirement (All of the swords have the same attack speed which is 1 second per melee.) It just feels weird that swords that hybrids use somehow have better ratio of base damage to STR invested than a sword meant for pure WM users. My suggestion is to buff the base damage of Kyuketsuki to at least 45 (+3 base damage), that way it will have 0.375 base damage per STR invested which seems more in line with previous swords.
  5. I wrote about this in my post as well. The jutsu would work much better not just for PvP but for PvE as well if it was a directional AoE rather than being AoE around the user.
  6. In the latest balance update it was said that weapon speed is no longer affected by Youthful Spring, but it is no longer affected by agility whatsoever. I don't know if this is intended or not but it seems weird since agility was made to scale weapon speed since otherwise there is a desync between weapon animations and hits which causes weapons to ghost hit. I think it shouldn't have been reverted since ghost hits are a big problem for every mastery that has a melee weapon.
  7. I will refer to this post as a baseline for the changes I suggest for this mastery. To be more exact, this quote from it: "Poison Attack Medics are supposed to be less viable in combat than a typical class in terms of pure damage output, but relies on poisons to get an upper hand in extended fights, where you tire out the opponent. As of now, this and full support medics are a little far from its original design." Medic is mostly picked for it's ability to instantly stun the opponent with Poison Scalpel, which in combination with another mastery leads to very easy and powerful combos (especially combined with Flicker). This is far from it's design of not having "pure damage output". My suggestion is to replace the 0.5 second stun of Poison Scalpel with a 0.5 silence and to rebalance the Poison DoTs to be able to stack instead of refreshing themselves. Poison Senbon - 4/6/8 DoT replaced with a 2/4/6 DoT Poison Scalpel - 4/6/8 DoT replaced with a 3/5/7 DoT Poison Cloud - the DoT stays the same (4/6/8) These changes will shift Medic from a mastery that simply spams instant stuns and bursts into them into a mastery that stacks poison DoT on their opponent and as the post says, gets the upper hand the more the fight lasts.
  8. Wind is fine. It has two jutsu which do high damage and are easy to land (Wind Claw, Hurricane Blade) and the whole kit in general has high base damage, some of it's jutsu just require more aim and setup. This is like history repeating itself when people used to say Wind needs buffs before and then it ended up being overtuned.
  9. Considering how the animation of this jutsu is, I think it would look and work much better if instead of doing damage around the user it would slash in the direction you are facing. Something like this (ignore the noob editing):
  10. The selfstun on the jutsu made the jutsu Risky like the name says, but I think that a slight change should be made to it to make it less predictable. Instead of only teleporting to the front of your opponent, the jutsu should teleport to a random tile around your target. It would kinda fit the name "Dance" of the jutsu where you would be "dancing" around your opponent rather than always appearing exactly in front of them. The same change could be done to the jutsu Dance of the Crescent Moon.
  11. First one would be interesting but if it was made in that way, the jutsu should lose both the selfstun and the stun it has. It should just be a fast projectile u can shoot 3 times.
  12. Yea around 50 base damage seems way more realistic for these swords. I'd also say Adamantine Sword and the Asarihanma should be in the 60-65 base damage range, the guaranteed knockback they have is already a huge advantage, no need for them to do damage this high.
  13. This was said not so long ago for Fans. Crystal Fan which is a rare drop from Penguins in Land of Iron is only slightly worse than the legendary Blood Iron Fan which drops from a boss in the Iron Tower. You don't really feel forced to grind the Blood Iron Fan since it is only a slight upgrade over the Crystal Fan. Meanwhile Kyuketsuki which is a rare drop from Leopards in Land of Iron is so much worse than the legendary sword that drops from a boss in the Iron Tower that it feels like a joke. And that's just the swords that drop from Land of Iron. Dark Weasel which is a boss near the Sand village drops a rare sword called Dark Scythes but compared to the legendary sword dropped by the Kuraken near the Mist Village it's much worse. (Dark Scythes got buffed to 40 base damage but the difference is still big) The difference between a rare and a legendary sword is so big that it's come to the point where you need to have a legendary sword cause otherwise you are at a huge disadvantage against someone who has one. Which is really weird since it was not balanced like this in the past. I don't know how did the difference between rare and legendary swords skyrocket so suddenly after level 50 but I hope that it will be evened out cause currently it is simply too large.
  14. Since people are often talking about nerfing/reworking this mastery I thought I'd give my input on what I think could be a good change for the mastery. Most people have an issue with the fact that even though you use Sub, a portion of the Flicker combo from Gentle Fist still goes through. A good way to change this would be to give Mountain Crusher a cast time but in return make Vacuum Palm instant cast. This makes it so that when someone Subs Palm Bottom you are not able to instantly combo in another jutsu like you can with Mountain Crusher since it is a homing, but it still allows you to Flicker combo normally if your Palm Bottom does land. It would also shift Gentle Fist into requiring more aim as a mastery since your main jutsu would become Vacuum Palm which is a projectile. A big downside of this is that Gentle Fist would only have 1 instant cast CC so it would become fairly risky to Flicker combo, but I think that instant Vacuum Palm would lead to more fun gameplay for the mastery.
  15. You can avoid the combo, it doesn't hit 100% of the time. You can also sub a portion of the damage which esentially almost halves the damage output. You obviously do not know what you are talking about. Gentle Fist was always meant to be a burst mastery. Taijutsu has fast melees, faster casting jutsu and lower cooldowns so it has lower scaling but consistently high DPS. Gentle Fist has smaller ranges, higher cooldowns, more selfstuns (not to mention only one sub), so for that reason Gentle Fist has higher scaling and better burst damage. Another reason why Gentle Fist has higher scaling is due to the fact that the mastery does not use a weapon unlike Taijutsu and Weapon Mastery. While one can argue that Gentle Fist can use a sword to melee with, the sword itself does not boost your jutsu damage in any way and you rely on swaping the weapon on and off in between using your Gentle Fist jutsu. I don't know what game you are playing if you think Gentle Fist's kit has nothing to do with burst. Your Flicker combo bursts, your 16 Palm combo bursts and your Vacuum Palm can burst depending on how many of them the enemy runs into.