
Silver Ninja
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  1. you wasted time to google a pillow and send it to me on forums, weirdo honestly.
  2. pls sin can't be bald no more i actually can't take it anymore Darui's and Kurotsuchi's hair literally shows with the hat on HELP @Ueda
  3. Yup! like i said it's just ideas and suggestions for the future since i know there is a lot of things planned that you guys will be doing, It's good to always give ideas for the future. Yeah you've made some fair points, things can always be changed, but it's mostly to see new things come into nin it will help with RP and add cool content IMO, although like i stated before it's a bit hard to do for rory and the staff team it's cool ideas that could be considered for the future.
  4. BEFORE READING BE REMINDED THAT THESE ARE IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS, YOU MAY ADD ONTO THESE THINGS OR GIVE NEW IDEAS/SUGGESTIONS IN THIS THREAD, IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANYTHING WRITTEN BELOW THAT IS FINE, THIS IS WHY I WANT TO HEAR MORE IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM THE COMMUNITY. So i've been having a few ideas with Organizations as a whole and really other things, There's a LOT that could be done with Akatsuki, Especially really cool stuff, so basically what would you guys think of the 9 Akatsukis having specs by this i mean 1 Akatsuki member will be chosen to have a specific Spec, could be Deidara, you will be chosen to be Deidara and you will have up to 3 jutsus (just throwing random numbers out there the amount of jutsus is not up for me to decide) Jutsus will be decided by the community or staffs i am just giving ideas as i said before, Shurikens could transform into Deidara's birds that blows up when connected does maybe 30 DMG and burns for 6-8 seconds you get the point there's a whole bunch of stuff you can go through, Hidan's scythe could be locked to ONE akatsuki member that has Hidan's specs, the list goes. on just think about the unique stuff that could be done with plenty of things in game although i do understand that things will take time and there are other things to be worried about as of now and making new jutsus just for akatsuki will take some time, it would be cool to see in the future This does not only have to be with Akatsuki there could also be tournaments to pick who could have let's say Orochimaru Specs Kabuto And the list goes on. Question 1. Well wouldn't Akatsuki with the ring buff and specs be a bit too broken? Yes, but this could all be reworked the stats could be nerfed with added Specs Question 2. Do you keep these specs for ever? No, This will simply be like any other Term 6 months tops and a new player will be Chosen through Staff or Tournaments I will be updating this thread with more examples that will include Gifs and Jutsu ideas for certain specs, but first i would like to hear from the community.
  5. Looks very nice +1
  6. Bless us! @Ueda
  7. Think you misspelled 12g sash :salute:
  8. I just wanted to have a discussion about this a bit Not too sure if i'm one of the only people who preferred RP Clans only due to the fact that it kind of defeats the purpose of RP having selective clans it kind of feels as if we're forced to choose a clan we don't want to be in or just be clanless before there was many different kind of clans due to RP and it was kind of a cool thing to see but now that's pretty much dead I feel as if there should be more clans in the game or the clan system could be tweaked a bit by letting players create their own clan with 10k ryo maybe? 5k? it's as you said before @Ueda Clans is like a family a big part of RP but it feels so limited due to it being a few selective clans i know it hasn't been long since the clan system has been out but this is just my opinion in no way shape or form am i saying rory did a bad job with the way he did the Clan system i am just simply saying that it could be better for players who would like to start their own thing maybe a brand new friend group decides to start the game together and they decide to start a clan they can't do that they'll either have to choose a clan made by some body else or stay clanless which defeats the purpose of RP to me it'd be amazing to see new clans again maybe have their own clan clothes i do how ever understand that there's clan houses and maybe some day it'll fill up the map which is understandable but this can be avoided by either expanding maps which i know will take forever but you could make 3 different maps for each leaf sand and takaumi which will be where all clan houses are located at there's a lot of ideas that can come from a clan that would be great to see again just a suggestion and my honest opinion.
  9. Sin


    Maybe newly added maps could expand it since it takes time for a Kage's term to end. the faces obviously wouldn't be as big so space would be easier imo.
  10. Sin


    You should really think about adding this, it'll work with rp very well and it flat out looks amazing give us hokage faces! @Ueda