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Irksoy last won the day on August 11 2022

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  1. This is good, but this nono
  2. My idea is to abandon the limit of 3 missions per day, with a simultaneous reduction of experience for missions (about 30% experience from current missions). Currently, on a lower level, you have to complete ~ 3 missions per level, after the change, it would be ~ 9 missions. What would that do? -Increasing the activity of players throughout the day. -For people who spend a lot of time, they have the ability to hit levels faster. -Greater activity will make it easier to do missions such as cbk / ww. Additionally, you need to add a cooldown for abandoning a mission, 1 abandonment / 1h (so you won't be able to choose the mission you want) What are your thoughts about this?
  3. It always worked that way, just before your character wouldn't turn and u was shooting jutsus from ass, anyway i agree with deleting auto-turning with melee. Make game more rewarding for skilled players.
  4. Its not only about missing organizations, you can as well declare war as sand anbu leader to leaf anbu leader and try to hunt each other
  5. Done, if u like the idea don't forget to upvote.
  6. As many people have noticed, after reaching level 50 the game gets boring, pvp is fun, but also pointless, so after a while it gets boring. Currently the danger zones are empty with a few exceptions where villages come out in groups of 15 people to do raid points or crush few lowbies. I would like to propose a system of organizations wars and organizations ranking. A lot of people like compete and I think that would enliven the game. THIS IS NOT SOLUTION FOR DRY DANGER ZONES but it should bring some motivation and fun to the game. My first suggestion is about creating possibility to declare war to other organization, this is example how it could work: Leader of organization "ABC" declare war to organization "XYZ" with or without option to waging a sum of money for example 10k ryo(this automatically takes money from organization leader) and leader of organization "XYZ" can accept or deny war(if he agree 10k ryo will be taken). Winner organization gets 20k ryo. The goal is to get 100 enemy kills(org leader can choose number), and here are few rules to make it spicy: You lose bounty in every zone if u die from enemy organization player during war. If you die on BI you still count as kill(so it prevents from BI warrioring and force you to think about strategy). Organization wars panel should be avalible on forum. You should be able to see current wars for example: Zadymka (90 kills) VS Kozuki (5 kills) Seigi (70 kills) VS Taka (30 kills) My second suggestion is about creating ranks of organizations. How it could work? If you are in organization and you kill someone who is in organization (doesn't matter if its in war) your organization gets 1 kill. Organization with biggest kill counter gets some reward(for example: every organization member of winners gets 5 coupons) Here are as well some spicy rules: Kills in safe zones counts. Kill on bi doesn't count(prevents from exploiting). Kills resets once for 2 weeks and winners gets prize. Organizations kills should be visible on forum in Organizations Rank 4. Kozuki 5. Shinigami This is it, tell me what do you think about those ideas.