Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by GAm3CrAzY

  1. We should do more things like this, though with other things(DuelNetwork would be a good one, can't think of much else though )
  2. Me and Selkie: Match 1 my win: Match 2 Selkie's win: Match 3 Selkie's win: Knew I should have used hidden power fighting instead of switching on fight 3, didn't want to risk abra not finishing off the tyranitar.
  3. Bonus points to whoever beats him with a weezing
  4. On Pokemon Showdown you just add EVs, besides this will be a random tourney. So no team building required. Username: GAm3CrAzY (even though I have the worst luck with random battles)
  5. Depending on how many people play the game maybe that max number should go up, but yeah like that. Also I assume there would be something to stop everyone from making a group thus stopping 500 small missing groups.
  6. Assuming Rory gives us the ability to make missing groups, (I'm sure he will) we can do this ourselves really. I have one idea for something I may do, assuming I'm right about making missing groups.
  7. of course having a show named after the main character is too mainstream.
  8. I'd not care that much, Since it's probably between Naruto and Sasuke I don't really have anyone that high in my favorite Naruto character list with a chance at getting it.
  9. Lelouch vi Brittania/Zero (Code Geass) Simon (Gurren Lagann) Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) Tsunayoshi Sawada (Katekyoo Hitman Reborn!)Depending on how the Persona 4 anime is and how much I like Yu Narukami he may knock Tsuna off(at best I see Yu at 3rd)
  10. @Sam Depends on the game, I've played a few where they stay till someone picks them up(either way I assume dropped items would take a while to drop) (also this assumes bodies in FoD disappear fairly quickly, but the scrolls stay where the body was) I suppose the trap could be exchanged for an ambush by faking death and putting the fake scroll on top of your body. Also Takezo pretty sure everyone in the exam would feel like wanting to do this in order for that to happen. There will definitely be some kind of limit to make something like this unlikely. I guess before I can really even go too deep into this I need to see how big the forest is and what it's like with however many people we have online taking the exam.
  11. @Shuruki Yeah I'm still trying to think on ways to make it not happen as much(touched on some with my last post) @Sam As I said earlier the scroll could have belonged to someone stupid enough to have fallen into a trap. Not to mention if it's a ambush using an actual scroll(which would be possible if we can drop the scrolls, which I do think we can do) you could just run right through pick up the scroll and run towards the center building.
  12. Banned for assuming I was hating on his Itachi-sama
  13. Naruto 641: Random Filler No Jutsu (If Kishimoto puts random filler to stop the fight or stall it I'll be so angry)
  14. Banned for having the same image in your signature twice.
  15. I guess since some people are worried about this happening too much there could be some farily large chance associated with making a fake scroll to where it'll look blatantly faked. Or the scrolls could cost a fairly large amount of money/other tools could be required/your character could be unable to do anything else while working on the scroll, and if an enemy comes nearby you instantly stop working(or when one attacks you)
  16. @Toshio Bonus points for Rory if the fake scrolls read Trololololol (or if we can type what we want in them) As for what you added, I'm talking explosive tags (set on the bottom of the scroll to go off when it's picked up or set to a trip wire around the scroll), although depending on what genjutsus get added a genjutsu trap put on the scroll(provided the user stays in the area) could be possible. And of course there's always an option of dropping a fake one and ambushing the enemy(no trap). The tag trap should really only ko the people close to it(most if not all level 20's shouldn't be knocked out by it at full health, but definitely hurt bad). The system is basicly just a risk reward thing, it could be the actual scroll that someone dropped because they died, it could be the actual scroll and it's a trap, could be the actual scroll and the other group is afk, or it could be a fake. @ well they didn't do it in the show, but it's something that's possible (like the bell training exercise traps) @Noble Nothing, I'm talking about dropping the scroll yourself and laying a trap with no enemies nearby.
  17. So I was watching Naruto on Toonami and an idea hit me. In forest of Death if your character has Blank Scrolls on them (able to be bought in the shop) you can make fake heaven/earth scrolls to drop on the ground. You could then trap these scrolls so when someone goes towards it the trap triggers and they take damage. If they happen to survive and pick up the scroll they will immediately notice it's a fake.
  18. I'd say Xate and Reyson to make the ultimate Suna Medic team, but other teams should probably have some of the Sunagakure Medics.
  19. Banned for becoming the 10 tails Jinchuuriki
  20. Yeah, as everyone here's been getting at AoE means, in this case, an attack that damages multiple people in an area. Some examples would be Hyuuga Rotation(damages all people around the hyuuga) and Asuma's Fire Release Ash Pile Burning(damages everyone in the ash when he ignites it)
  21. Welcome and don't listen to these crazy people Sunagakure's the only true answer.
  22. Nope, apparently they liked the sound of those(kind of wish they'd be the same with Dattebayo)
  23. Pretty much watch the official dub and what it's called there is what we'll have here I guess?