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Everything posted by Kayn

  1. I disagree, when you put a chat in this way where everyone in the village can see at any moment, this ends with any type of Rp , it's very annoying when someone in the low level, see you invading and everyone in village already know that you are there , if you are thinking in a way more real you would have to flee first and warn the rest. this change can create a lot of new roles in the game, an example would be guardians, that avoid to invaders or warn the village about the invasion.
  2. I think it will help the Rp, because , dont have a radio for each people of village to use Vsay.
  3. Good new, people are using basically to knockback meele mastery as taijutsu and sword.
  4. 1- for a tournament is necessary but not exceptional, even without a medic you still have a chance. 2- in the same way as the previous one, it helps a lot in grind and PVE, but depending on your mastery you can do it solo without the help of a medic. 3- For Boss is impossible without 1 medic or 2 medic. Very nedeed.
  5. I'm glad to know that you are thinking sword mastery