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Drusilla last won the day on August 3 2024

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  1. Lets be real here ninjas, so rory added all these changes to the game(which most of us never asked for eg. marriage, jumping etc) via discord basically abandoning the forums for months now the game in a weird akward spot he goes back to forums now and ask for our opinions?? The only way nin will ever get better is when rory hires actual staff like wolf and them to fix the game and not people like erox and friends hire actual professionals pay them to do a good job, if not we gone be in this rabbit hole. Rory got take some loan or something because most of the OGs isn't gone spend more $$ on a game we been supporting only to come back and see i can't use chakra scaples with base tonfas equipped (1%) drop rate tonfas by the way! but aye hire professional staff, give us advance (not before gta6 btw) a lot of you guys posted some really good ideas good job but some of those ideas been said in this forum since 2018. This post seems to be a slap in the face i don't think nothing you guys type here will ever be in game sadly and if it does it gone be in the next 3-8 years if nin even is a thing by that time , I'm just being real here as an OG player we know rory antics and schemes don't be too optimistic and give yourselves false hope and eager because i can tell you disappointment awaits you.
  2. well said the issues you have raised have been addressed since 2017 and sadly i dont think that will ever change the owner seems to want it this way so yea very unfortunate.
  3. LOL i agree with you on some of the players on this list the Date family must be kos at all times and whoever they hang around with, leal aka giglamish also a massive op i agree with that lol the rest like freeze , sirch and a few others are my homies even tho they switched sides and went to erpvile :c
  4. Ah my good friend chi chi >:) wassup >:D appreciated.
  5. Orgs was and many players would agree with a major key in having fun and many DZ battles it made players like myself want to login to engage in gang fights and the proceed to have pm/discord pvp after. However, with all things in nin rory the 'dev' makes changes doesn't deliver or create half-baked content, removes org with no replacement been like what 3 years or maybe more nothing on the matter just talking about 'guilds' so you telling us it takes 3+ years to make guilds?? and yet players still defend the 'dev' and not hold him accountable. Bring back orgs until you can literally complete guilds right is right.
  6. I am making a community for dailies to be chnaged its been same for years and its time we get change to improve it.
  7. It's been a while since i made a forum post but as the title says lets have a Nin Easter Event to start the year right. i know most OG players like myself would like to see a new take on how events are and some spice to the game. Here is my ideas of what the easter event could be like: 1. Each village warzone has a unique rabbit boss so example: sand rabbit boss is wind based, Leaf rabbit boss is fire based, and mist rabbit boss is water based. 2. Each rabbit should give a minimum of 30kexp to make it worthwhile in killing it and exp should be shared to a party to give good incentive to kill it. Now i know in the past event bosses have the same old mechanics so i would like to see a change whereas every player at least lvl 20 have a chance to kill the rabbit boss with their comrades. 3. Each boss can drop a unique easter theme weapon or clothing example: easter themed auras, rabbit robe, rabbit paw shoes, chocolate themed katana, egg crusher tonfas, rabbit ears you know something like that, it could be low lvl based weapons nothing crazy. 4. Easter eggs can be spread around the danger zones , warzones where players can break them to get coupons, blanks, pills, food items whatever. This will give players incentives to enter the danger zones to break these eggs making a more healthy and active danger zone and creating fun. 5. This is just my personal opinion but i think nin should really utilize the community more and make a competition for art to be added for this easter event so example the top 5 pixel who makes the best easter theme weapon or cosmetic can get silver role, or a special title unique to them and get paid with nin credit or a ryo prize pool to encourage them to take part is such events because i think including the players in a design of event themes creates a healthy environment for creativity and fun.
  8. As the title says tool expansion should be a thing whether we get a tool pouch to increase our tool capacity by 100 tools or its class locked either way 200 tools isnt enough especially with the design of this game where you if you start as an Int wm you gotta farm mobs with explosive kunai which consumes tool and as a lvl 10 killing mobs worth 200 kunais wont even get you a half bar of exp thus either increase the tool capacity or make int wm jutsus from lvl 10-20 not consume tools.
  9. Basically what other have said their is no real incentive in going in the dzs other than ww/vmw/bh and most people kill alts thus needs to looked at so ninjas cant keep using alts to cheese these missions, secondly we need more dailies that require kills or like dz objectives heck we can get escort missions with the new time clock in game , capping maps for ryo cuz ww/vmw etc dont give alot of ryo.. but thats a whole other topic and lastly we need a reward items, weapons, cosmetics for kills etc.
  10. if you have nothing positive to say or idea for this post please be quite and dont tag me attention seekers.
  11. well to answer you straight forward and honestly the economy of this game is hard (thus cheaters and other means) when you give us rewards that does nothing for us and the missions its self is pain it just feels bad thus its no harm yes but we need something substantial for doing these dailies that getting useless rewards we cant do nothing with thus my suggestion to it is giving us ryo until you are able to fully implement these features.
  12. yes i totally agree with this however this is has been in game for years with no progression so until then i strongly belive it should be removed from rewards until rory can make it fully functional but i highly doubt it will be out anytime soon,
  13. the man power reward that is in our dailies as an reward , its been there for a very long time and does nothing for us and i think its about time that we just get ryo or something else other than this man power/influence reward.
  14. As everyone knows we got dailies with the reward being influence points but sadly that feature has never been implemented and somehow is still a reward for doing dailies thus being a useless reward please remove this its been 4 years this been in game with no future of ever changing please give us ryo instead or even blanks this influence reward does nothing and its about time it removed.