
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Sound

  1. Leaf's greatest weapon is numbers, utilize that
  2. Sound

    Shiny Drops

    What about... A not so dark bandit blade ?
  3. Lemme have some of what ure smokin homie Lmao seriously tho wm med is strong, i fought it over 100 times in spars n i think it's safe to say it's nowhere bas toxic as gf especially gf/wm Gf just has that unavoidable combo every 18 secs or so that u can't do anything about, its like you're fighting on a timer, they will buse the combo, run around, repeat it has no counter at all it's nothing compared to wm/med
  4. Ah yes, more broken swords
  5. i think what he's trying to say is making the lvling long n boring doesn't especially make it hard, as lvling is right now its not very hard if you ask me it's just very long