
Gold Ninja
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Ecstasy last won the day on October 16 2018

Ecstasy had the most liked content!

About Ecstasy


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  1. Uwu  Raikuzu  why wont you come in my side :eyes:  

  2. Updated profile completely! ;)

  3. I wouldnt be doing it if my village wasnt so dead and people could actually found other people to RP with..........
  4. rip my sword sub-mastery hopes....but Im still happy :>
  5. It's really nice to see new maps getting added,great work!Can't wait for more
  6. ᴛᴇɴᴅō Leader : @Raikuzu Hozuki : Quick introduction : Tendō is a clan in Suna's new era,born from the ashes of the desert,Tendō is rising as a strong and loyal Clan,standing up for it's village and mates.Tendō is a clan specialized to gravity jutsu. : Clan Clothing : Clan's clothing is basically Gaara's clothing but in black Clan colors are basically black and a color of choice. : Old clan page : Hozuki : New clan page : Soon.
  7. That's really interesting,nice work ;v
  8. Ecstasy

    Friends-Respected people,basically my diary

    Photos with me and some friends from my journey of nin
  9. woah great job sukki,that sure was a lil hard to make