
Silver Ninja
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  1. It was always kinda weird to me that Suwa got an apron for a clan outfit.
  2. Don't know if this was ever brought up before but instead of when you use the color changers and have to cycle through them have them pop up a color wheel so you can use your cursor to select a color instead, just a small quality of life thing to make color changing faster and work for some people's RP.
  3. This reminds me a bit of a clan in stephen's naruto game forum before it was taken down.
  4. Looks like I have a reason to play my main more :GG:
  5. This would honestly be great, a focus boost in Fort and chalk would be nice rather then a tiny boost and like 5 extra dmg
  6. Tbh I'd like them completely removed, never been a fan of buffs like these
  7. TBH it's barely worth using the waist cloth without a jutsu or something to go with