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sajin last won the day on September 12 2021

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  1. sajin

    Diablo org

    I love that idea of organization, it seems to me that it will be something unique, the only thing we ask is that if they can put it to us as soon as possible, because we don't know what to do! We only play with ours, there are people who have already stopped playing until we have the org back and we are sad to be like this, I understand and understand that you will be doing everything possible to make that idea as real as possible, I just hope that we may come to understand that we are like a family. thanks you so much for everything @Ueda
  2. sajin

    Diablo org

    We have managed to be the most popular post and with more likes in just 2 hours than any ninonline post, with this I think that at least we have been able to make you think about it @Ueda@Erox
  3. sajin

    Diablo org

    thanks i hope your org take the name correctly i think Team Agression better name!
  4. sajin

    Diablo org

    Good morning to all ninonline. I would like to put this post to ask that an organization be put in missing to be able to play in conditions. We have been about 1 month since it was removed, we do not know what to do, we are a very large organization of approximately 34 - 37 members of which more than 20 players are active daily. We are only looking for an organization to be able to play all together, you cannot imagine how complicated it has been to play this month for us, we have had to emigrate to the villages of which x players have gone to each village waiting for the organizations to arrive one day. . We only ask for an organization as if it is put in one of the houses that we have bought, we do not care, we just want to play together. I am going to leave you some images and videos of who we are. here I leave a video of what Diablo is, what represents us here i let some photos to us: This photo was from a few days ago we are many more but right now for not having org they are playing in the other villages until we have it: with only 4 members we were able to get to the mizukage office : this was from when we started together: we even made a name on the BR server : today we fight leaf this is the result: This organization comes from the Hispanic community although lately we have been letting in anyone we know is trustworthy. We are an organization that grows every day and I believe that we would have to have an organization in order not to lose what we have built with effort. please let us play together! I beg you! @Ueda@Erox
  5. yeah bro we need that bank to stop create ACCs for use to banks.
  6. Good morning to the entire ninonline community. I would like to propose to the ninonline staff team to create a bank for the players. A bank system would be very good because as you have been around for a long time you start to run out of space and have to choose between which things to keep in inventory. We can take advantage of this bank idea to give more importance to having the premium, why? very simple being premium you can have more slots in the bank than a person who is not gold. I think I speak for almost the entire ninonline community that we would like to have a banking system like almost all mmorpg games. @Ueda @Erox