Adamant Himitsu

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  1. Sounds like a fabulous event!
  2. Shiseki sounds cool and is more original, so I like that better personally.
  3. Wow. I had kinda lost faith in this aswell, but this is sick.
  4. The movement speed in this is slow, it looks like you are walking. Is it possible to move faster? Edit: Also looks like no Genjutsu yet
  5. I hope not. Bandages should do this, not food. To stay more on topic, dat mist doe
  6. Food is in, does that mean hunger is too?
  7. Updated my Bio to be what it will actually be in game.

  8. Ikr, thought it was over so didn't bother to look at this... FUUUUUUUUCK
  9. Nice, better than I could ever do, I don't have the patience for that sort of thing
  10. My body is not ready for the awesomeness of this game
  11. Seems cool. I would enjoy hunting down teams of criminals.
  12. You are just jealous Of my epic haiku skills But I will stop now
  13. My chars name is Kuroi Mizu, which means "Dark Water" and is fascinated with genjutsu, and even secretly uses Jounin level genjutsu on fellow acedemy students to test his skills. His style of genjutsu is somewhat morbid (shows victims dead bodies of people close to them, etc). He resides in Kirigakure, and never knew his parents, though the village says they were great shinobi, but also ruthless. He also has a water style nature, and shows promise in using water release techniques..
  14. Let us post haikus Why you ask? Because YOLO Commence the haikus