
Gold Ninja
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  1. Alak

    Battle Injuries

    thats clearly what it should be because you are meant to stay in Hospital with BI not bi warrior in RP oor without RP
  2. Hello!Today i want to suggest something that can help against the BI Warrioring I want to suggest that every time a jutsu or two is casted while on BI, Your total base HP deceases, something like -20 for every 2 jutsu casted. This way it will give an incentive to wait out BI and not rush out of the hospital over and over again, but still give the choice for somebody to leave the hospital if they wanted to risk it
  3. Alak

    Buff Vacuum

    Then so be it that then!
  4. Alak

    Buff Vacuum

    its not only about ping,ainz might have been lucky there but there is no way he can pull stunts like that so often Its just dumb that int wint has no strength if u dont play with fan/pipe I'll admit that vacuum doesnt need a buff if people can play int wind good without any stun/snare secondary mastery/weapon
  5. Alak

    Buff Vacuum

    I didnt say they aren't below 100 ms is a good ping,what're you smoking? People play with 200+ ms too yk and pulling that off is not easy as you think it is
  6. Alak

    Buff Vacuum

    Those are below 100 ms players + if thats the case then the game is literally forcing u to get better at pvp instead of enjoying it People above 120-140 ping still cant land like that
  7. Alak

    Buff Vacuum

    Hello guys,judging people after the vacuum nerf,there are barely any int wind users left.The majority is more of str wind now.Int wind is too weak now and it is a total useless mastery to go if your a Ninja in Leaf village or you want to play without any pipe or fan.Vaccum can only be landed if you have a secondary mastery which gives u Stuns/Snares(Water,Lighting or Pipe) I think Vacuum's nerf should be reverted and imo i think these should be the changes made: Tornados changed to a lvl 30 jutsu Task of the Dragon changed to a lvl 10 jutsu Slicing Wind changed to a lvl 15 jutsu Wind Mask changed to a lvl 20 jutsu Barrage changed to a lvl 30 jutsu Claw changed to a 0.5/1 sec run cast with a 0.5 sec self stun(if its a 1sec run cast) Tornados will now share a CD with Vacuum Anyways,thank you for reading and i hope @Ueda considers this. P.S I would love to see your opinions on the changes that should be made
  8. Hello! All of the content planned in this topic has been finished,can we please get another post of planned content for 2021? @Ueda Thank you!
  9. Ainz talking like he 1v1 the boss but we all know he needs rain/boo to save him
  10. Alak

    Lower CBK kills

    Surprising to see,most of the people disagreeing are maining Sand/Mist/Leaf. I agree with Ori,CBK needs a Rework. CBK 1: 5 kills CBK 2: 6 kills CBK 3: 7 kills CBK 4: 8 Kills CBK 5: 9 kills CBK 6: 10 kills (Also going rogue is not meant to be a punishment but to be meant as a normal choice you take,it suits RP because most of the rogues go rogue because of their villages will/manpower,skills or environment) Nin Online is a role-playing focused 2D Online RPG where you play as yourself in the ninja world. Choose from different villages or become a missing ninja in our ever expanding world. What will be your ninja way? Is what the game's description,meaning going missing ninja is no different choice than staying as Leaf/Mist/Sand And i don't remember any written rule that going rogue will be a punishment
  11. @Steezo Fear not,the United Kingdom shall rule the world of Ninjas!
  12. Alak

    New swords

    I think the swords are fine and that they do not give any strength like the Fan does. The only CC sword is the 50% knock back Twin Fangs and the new hard to drop hammer The other swords require high strength which results u in either low chakra or low hp. The topic should be "New Fans" Shoulda say that the Fans have low stat requirement for a 3 tile lan RANGED cc and also that Rory should be nerfing the fan by adding either 30% stun on Crystal and 50% on Blood Iron or that he increases the Strength Requirement
  13. i'll just let u guys know that this guy has skills lol,he even sent me a ss in which he found the ID of blank scroll and blank document id and he even found some GM command thingy(Admin panel) @Ueda
  14. Hello! I have seen a GM(s) hosting major events and saw them having issues like kicking people who are not supposed to be in the Event.So i thought of a way through which it wouldn't be too much of a hassle when hosting a major event. Suggestion 1: Rory could add a command in which you must enter a 6 or any digit code to enter the event e.g /eventjoin 112233 and if the GM wants he could village broadcast it if its a CE or any specific village only event e.g Suggestion 2: So there would be a option for GM(s) in which they can broadcast a message in 5 categories Globally Leaf Mist Sand Takumi(Rogue) The option could function in a way where GM(s) would open either the global category or any of the village category and it would show the name of the players online either globally or village-wise. Next to the name will be a box,you click it and it will mark with a "tick" sign and after ur done marking the players,you would click the "Teleport to Me" button which would teleport the selected players(Of course if its a CE,the Kage can send the names of the players who will be joining the CE and the GM could easily teleport all of them to a map he wants). Thank you for reading,please react to the topic and let me know what you think about this suggestion!