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  1. Once you add any kind of buff to a cosmetic, you force people to use it, then we will see everyone using utility pouch+war armor which is a shame because nin got alot of good looking cosmetic and good fashion scene, its a shame to ruin that
  2. Like other people said here, once the world map will grow, this issue will be resolved as you can move around the chokepoint through other routes. also, it could be interesting if there were some underground/caves with higher difficulty which were connected as a alternate way to move around, for example if snakes mansion would connect to hosts cave which can connect to sand scarabs cave. (can also connect to mist ants cave through long run\boat as a second way to get to mist without bein ambushed on mist port) can put high lvl mobs on those connecting caves so it will have higher risk. beside that, it could be interesting if advances masteries will offer utilty jutsus that could help with that issue for example: advanced earth: Tunnelling Technique: create a tunnel in the ground across maps or different points in the map that other people can use as well. Tsuchi Gunjikoudou no Jutsu \ Subterranean Voyage: go inside the ground and move around for a few seconds, cannot be damaged while in this mode advanced water: Mizutamari no Jutsu: transform into a puddle of water for spying\hiding\ambush Dust\Exposion: fly around for a few seconds above everyone undetected\cannot be damaged.
  3. Thats another thing, puppet summons are significantly weaker then the rest of the summons, they dont evolve into stronger forms and yet they got higher cd then the rest of the summons while offering no benefit. it could be cool if the puppets had some special ability like summon 3 puppets at the same time or ability to change puppet summon when needed, ability to switch places with the puppet, etc.
  4. Hi everyone < 3 Everyone talking about masteries balance, but what about summons? since they got released, they got no balance changes Atm there are 3-4 "Best" tier summons and the rest are barely seen, which is a shame because they all got cool art and design. Everyone nowdays got either weasel(sandies), dog(leafies), panda or clam (misties), 3-4 summons out of the 12 summons available. The rest of the summons are really falling behind: (toad, slug, hawk and puppets) Weasel got high range high dmg jutsus, Clam\dog got those crazy stuns, and panda can both stun and high dmg, and yet water puppet got 1 single water bullet and water slash. Hawk still got that self-bleeding bug from what i heard that it bleeds the user and not the target. Maybe its time to buff\rework the underused ones to encourage more diverse selection of summons. Thanks for reading have a lovely day < 3
  5. Amazing work on mist! looks incredible Thanks!
  6. Its a huge honor for hoshi to get chosen! I wont let you or mist down! MistForever! < 3
  7. Once one unofficial org will get outfit/house, they will ALL want it.. and yea taka is big and strong now, but yoru and other orgs were like that as well and died out in the end, so ig its better to give ing stuff to official orgs/clans only. Anyway, nice post I'll try to come up with hoshi outfit ideas
  8. Make sense. Kill Count resets as well?
  9. Invitation to mist discord plz thanks
  11. Duck boss from duckland 2. all nin clans meeting 3. When i won the takumi badge from gym leader pinku 4. sandbu under their greatest leadership 4. 5. lucky ^^ 6. the time mission desk guys went on vacation: 7. Went fishing at the holy lake
  12. Well done mate, to see wind and fan on the bottom is painful tho buff pleaseeee.. Also, if you got the time and you're bored you can take it to the next level and do mastery tiers of combined or just what's meta aka wm/gf, wm/light etc
  13. I kinda agree tbh (and im sandie), the reason why fan is so meta nowdays (even after the str req) is because of the free knockback. put knockback only on seji no heji and higher tier fans and it solves the problem of fan being over-used. But anyway fans SHOULD be sand only rp-wise imo , its kinda weird to see leafies walking around with fans. its also weird to see non-wind users use it, and also people who switch from sword/tai to fan quickly and then back again.. but that's an other issue i guess hehe.