
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Steezo

  1. I will pay for Roei go spar him don't disapoint me Roei kun make your sponser to be proud of u or i will go to the next player and leave you with no fans glory and money. This is a harassing world it's power based. You losing this spar your wife gonna run away from you and take the kids with her to somehwere else. If you win you will be the champ as always cheers beloved.
  2. Steezo

    My spar list

    Vipe not deserve a call out or to be added to my spar list. He is just a D rider the players i mention above.
  3. Steezo

    My spar list

    You earn 10k cheers
  4. Steezo

    My spar list

    @Black Rain Team Agression Leader @Ichika SiegiK Leader @Lumy Akatsuki Leader Others on my sight just to rampage my ego and claim my rank @Zabu @SparkZZ @Dona @Static Can't wait to expose y'all fkers that bully and ignoring my flicker macro combo like itsnt a threat for you. Words are irrelveant no point to talk i'm close to 60 my true form will shine like a champ.
  5. Well something have to be changed. No point ot take a charge on a official org and set up your crew without win in in the first place. I want to have the chance to win and set up my own crew @RorySry if im doing wrong by tagging but please give attention to my post this is one of the reason im going against the communication skills its literally unfair.
  6. That's what im searching for. Who gave Lumy the privilege to take a charge why there was not a fight for it before?
  7. Rain is either a businessman but i can't point and whining why u following him cause the man aint scared of his spot and he always open for a new challanges like a champ. But lumy is the Rain pussie version there's no other way to describe it. Rumaki we both actually falled to the darkness and doing the same path but the thing is you are rather to be a d rider to your leader and no having the courage and the confidence to go against the leader and the communication skills behind it. You rather to be looks cool and keep your name as a legacy by sticking with the strongest players around instead to looks weird and being alone agaisnt the system for your true will. I'm Steezo and i'm carrie the D will with me with no regret and ik what im whorthy i wouldnt jump on it if i were not challanging myself before or not sure to take is spot. I want to make my own crew and be the captain of my own ship instead of being depressed and choosing the battles that i don't want. idc if i will lose at least ik that i was there testing my skills and fighting for my own will
  8. cheers i will take the chance finally u show some heroism and giving other ppl to challnage u without fearless. You better have to offer it to the plebs before u got the role so other ppl will be interesting to fight for it. let me know when u ready for the match im in.
  9. a real leader open for a challenge on his spot like a lion in the nature. Sry but your leader just warming and beloved around u without prove his whorty for it.
  10. fk all the ninja around that being sucessfull cause of communication skills. I aint accept this path. Power should be everything i dont mind to be exposed and being his dog but at least he should fight for this spot and set it up like a champ. A champ should prove he is worhty wihtout communication first.
  11. Since 2019 he basically moving to leading an officall org or to be important to the rp. My point is why he got the akat leader without a fight for this spot? I was planned to fight for this spot after Rain's crew moved to 7sm. Zabu were fight for it in previous gen to take the charge Why is Lumy getting it freely and choosing is supporters i think it's un fair in my opinion. The same like he doing fees as a Kazekage for exile/pardon he might at least earn the Kaze spot like a champ but i dont think he deserve the akat leader at least i wanna have the chance to fight for it and set up my own crew. If there's no justice and nin is only about communication skills don't come at me and ask me why im spreading harass and being a hater. Lumy scared to be exposed in 2021 cause many around sharping thier skills and carreid meta masteries with macro karma seal to harass the man know he have no chance against a ninja (tool) like me.
  12. Brother from another mother


  13. Welp the reason they are getting old cause you fapping on hentai everyday life passes fast for you Dont be shy my man be proud and happy cheers
  14. No, Taka and supporters aint gonna take a part in my events. My events i decide who to drop out. Taka can make thier own events and rules if they want.
  15. Yea only Taka players and supporters arent be able to participate, You are fine atm unless you change attitude.
  16. Keep calm hun, my events to make fun for the community and support the staff in generally
  17. Gl Mich, Im a proud hoster too Events gonna be more lively!
  18. You never bumped or like my topic of the events
  19. Edit: nvm i lost intrest to be in the council. I hate to lose in something that not depends on my skiils, I have no clan behind me to support and seems like Reiketsu take the 3rd and im happy for her good luck evryone.
  20. I am down. Sign me up I dont need likes or followers if the Lord 1st like me /e smirks Edit: nvm i lost intrest to be in the council. I hate to lose in something that not depends on my skiils, I have no clan behind me to support and seems like Reiketsu take the 3rd and im happy for her good luck evryone.