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Steezoom last won the day on September 3 2022

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  1. The current akat gen showing non activity the same like the previous one. There are many players willing to get back and take a spot in one of the official org that they are wishing for. Nothing actually gonna be changed if TA (the higher skillcapped players in this game) will fight for this over and over in the next gens and win trades between thier trialists that eventually the lord Rain will always be the leadership. I think something is wrong if it's gonna be like that without any changes especially when this crew busy in other games and abandon nin activities. and just for the fun to describe how is it work in TA:
  2. Vipe need some love he is a freak like me he need your attention give him a hug let him hold your pole Rumaki sama
  3. Never underestimate your enemy. Always overestimate them and be disappointed.
  4. i will pay u to teach me how the politicans does the crimes everytime and avoid those stuff
  5. Erox perma banned me in nin now i have no access to WoW what's wrong with a freak like me?
  6. Aint fair.. no idea why those nerds not being wiped the same way like the Ghost terms Anyway i'm spreading harass in WoW right now but soon i will back to nin for the Mizu/akat leadership with Ghost's hammer be ready for me peace out.
  7. i'm recently playing wow and there's a spot where some players acting like TA and spreading harass on sight. i can pay for the help if you carrie me till i reach 60 in my progress so if u got a strong char in the shadowlands lmk please i swear it will worth you.
  8. This what a pvper should keep in mind and tell himself every single day
  9. When there's love there's no hope, when there's hope there's no love. Never fool yourself the life is black and white you can't have both. Accept the true of the harass in this world and always be smiling like a champ.
  11. to be relevant agaisnt you i need the second sub build and using all my might
  12. אוהב אותך