
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Clayman

  1. There is a pixel on each side which makes the hair not look as round as it should be. It's nothing large but it is noticable and kinda not so pretty to look at. Left one is how it looks now and the right one is with the pixel removed. @Ueda Fix this if u can please.
  2. In the Genin tutorial Lightning is said to be a mastery which is "high in damage and immobilizing", while the immobilizing is true the high in damage part pales against other elementals. Lightning gets it's jutsu at later levels than other masteries. While all other masteries get a jutsu at lvl 10,15,20,25,30,35, Lightning gets them at lvl 10,17,23,28,35,40. Since the jutsu of Lightning are higher level than other jutsu they should have higher damage, maybe even CP cost even though it is already pretty high. Not to mention Lightning is fairly slow with only one instant cast jutsu, with it's jutsu not being so easy to land. Currently most other elemental jutsu are dealing more damage than Lightning ones. I think there should be a general increase in base damage for Lightning. @Ueda
  3. I think it would be nice if there was some sort of a Pumpkin boss that spawned on the War Zone maps that dropped a cosmetic Pumpkin Head mask (the Pumpkin box but wearable).
  4. Good to see one of the biggest issues being fixed. I am quite saddened that Advanced/Mist is going to be delayed. I hope we will at least get some sort of balance update before the end of the year since this year's meta has become really stale and I find PvP hard to enjoy with all of these unavoidable and uncounterable combos.
  5. Exactly what I wanted to ask for, switching between them is hard when you want to combo into something fast.