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  1. It's the highest damage jutsu of it's type. One Fire Vortex does more damage than two Lightning Currents.
  2. 40 STR is still better than 20 STR, it's more than double the amount of stats you need to sacrifice.
  3. 20 STR Fan and Pipe The most problematic weapons elementals currently have access to are 20 STR Fan and Pipe. I think that they give too much of an advantage with their CC melee, the difference between a Wind user without Fan and a Wind user with a Fan is very large (same goes for Water and Pipe). Sacrificing 15 points is literally nothing when in return you get a 37 damage melee that knocks back or a 21 damage melee that snares for 1.2 seconds. The 20 STR weapons shouldn't have CC. They should just do damage. It wouldn't change much for people that are leveling as Fan and Bubble since they don't need CC on melee early on when they are killing mobs, but it would greatly nerf the people who just take the 20 STR weapons for their CC while using INT based jutsu. Another Pipe could be added with 50 STR and level 25 requirement that has the snare the current lvl 10 one has so the Bubble mastery can switch to and get snares on melee. Adamantine Staff This weapon gives elementals a 2 tile melee which is in my opinion a huge overkill. Masteries that literally depend on their melee to do damage don't have 2 tile melee but somehow elementals can get it for only 90 INT. The weapon hits 42 damage, a Taijutsu user needs 136 agility to hit that much and it will still struggle against this weapon even with it's fast melees due to the fact the weapon hits at double the range a fist melee does. Even WM with it's high damage melees will have issues against this weapon simply because of the range advantage it has. If the melee is to stay 2 tile range, the weapon should hit much slower than it currently does. I think the speed right now is around 1.2 seconds, it should be changed to 2-2.4 seconds cause having 2 tile range on a melee is rediculously strong. Poison Kunai In this current meta if someone is an elemental and they don't have a Fan or Pipe they will 100% have a Poison Kunai. It has become a mandatory thing to have as an elemental especially now with the new regeneration system. I think that the duration of the poison it has is simply too long for a melee attack, not to mention that being able to poison on a melee takes away the uniqueness of the masteries that actually have poison or bleed in their kit. What is the point of Wind or INT Med if even an Earth user can grab a posion kunai and poison their enemies for the same duration. I think a good way to change this weapon would be to increase the flat damage the kunai does while decreasing the duration of the poison it has. Currently it hits 24 flat and then poisons for 8 damage for a total of 32 damage. It should be changed to do 28 damage flat and then deal 4 damage with poison in 4-6 seconds.
  4. It's weird that swords have this kind of a difference in power. I think they should be balanced like the Fan weapons where the Blood Iron Fan isn't a monsterous upgrade over the Crystal Fan but it's still stronger and worth having.
  5. I think it is fine tho, it costs a shuriken to use but it is the lowest CP cost jutsu in the game.
  6. What do you think is the most balanced mastery? In the Discord survey there is no mention of this question so I am curious what people think about this.
  7. On that note, Lightning is the weakest mastery overall. Buff when?
  8. This justu has a really bad hitbox and I think it should get fixed. From the whole jutsu only the marked portion actually hits the enemy. An example of how bad the hitbox is, even though the enemy literally disappears into the jutsu, this actually doesn't hit them.
  9. Since INT Medic is meant to revolve around damage over time I think it should be rebalanced in a way that makes it more centered around that. Poison Senbon - keeps 4/6/8 DoT Poison Scalpel - replace 4/6/8 DoT with 6/8/10 DoT Poison Cloud - replace 4/6/8 DoT with 8/10/12 DoT This way you are able to stack the DoT from different jutsu which should lead to a higher damage output.
  10. This jutsu silences for 1 second, has low cooldown, low CP cost, high base damage, it's instant cast and it also teleports to enemy. You can cancel jutsu with it instantly, escape snares, use it to combo with the teleport (very easy to make macro combos). It is just too strong at the moment and needs to be nerfed. My suggestion is to give it a 1 second run cast.
  11. Well to get Snake you actually HAVE to go missing which can be a downside for some people especially with the pardon cooldown. You also need to have access to the Lab (which most people actually exploit to get into). I think Snake has more hp/damage than other summons due to the fact that it doesn't have any CC. Literally every other summon other than the Slug (whose purpose is to heal) has CC. Dog has stun, monkey has KB, weasel has KB, hawk has snare/slow, toad has stun, clam has stun, panda has stun. While the damage it has can be impactful, the CC that some of the other summons have can be much stronger in certain cases so I wouldn't change the snake summon too much.
  12. Why buff Dark Scythes when they are already stronger than the Bone Sword which is harder to drop?
  13. Currently Earth mastery is just too good at too many things. It's the best teamfight mastery while also being among the strongest 1v1 elements. It has a short CD single target homing, high base damage jutsu, the strongest snare jutsu in the game and a wall that counters a lot of combos. Earth Pillar - increase the CD to 19-20 seconds. I don't see why Earth which is known for being a slow mastery has the shortest cooldown homing in the game. Earth Prison - reduce the snare time to 2-2.5 seconds. The current duration of 4.5 seconds is simply too long when you take into account how many targets this jutsu can hit. Water Prison which hits only 1 enemy snares for 3.5 seconds so I don't see why Earth Prison snares for so long when it can hit 60+ enemies. Earth Spikes - give the jutsu 1-1.5 sec selfstun or make it a 1 second run cast. It's a triple tile piercing projectile that can multihit and hit for up to 20 tiles range. Every other piercing projectile in the game has a cast time and has nowhere near the range of this jutsu which is instant cast and deals 44 base damage. Another thing that could get looked at are the base damages of Earth jutsu which feel a bit too high compared to other masteries, considering the AoE and CC that Earth has.
  14. I always found it weird how AoE knockbacks knock into the direction that you are facing. I think that they should knock people in different directions based on their position in comparison to you. (Ignore the bad editing pls) Positioning of players: How it works now: How it should work: