
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Musab

  1. Welcome back lad, 1 year and 10 months huh... time sure flies! Looking forward to the upcoming updates
  2. Musab

    Community Survey

    Used to be able to view other responses and respond to statuses from the main page. I liked that
  3. You don't have it, but from what I understand you can't get it anymore by just asking for it.
  4. Duuuuuudes, that latest one piece manga chapter!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Destructo


      I prefer the scanlations where luffy refers to dofy as a thorn in his ass.

    3. Musab


      I know what youre talking about Des, read that one too. but Mangastream took a bit longer to release that quality one, so I read it on mangareader first.

    4. Musab


      Gear 4 reminds me of Nightmare Luffy. also this was epic

  5. I think he wants to enter the team. Idk what he would want to do though.
  6. Yeah, I thought that silver was earned by doing said thing, until you told that guy that he hadnt been here for over a year Just gave it a shot.
  7. I don´t remember what the amount of posts was to upgrade from newbie, but 23 posts is close to nothing.
  8. The white haired dude in Rory's avatar always seemed so childish to me, but the one one in the dev log banner at the top of this thread looks pretty badass.
  9. I love these dev logs with art the most, damn it's gorgeous! Welcome back man, looking forward to your posts.
  10. Woah Woah WOAH, it looks absolutely amazing! To me, graphics are nearly as important as game mechanics, which is why I keep falling more deeply in love with ninonline One small thing about the dragon tho. Right when you ''spew'' out the fire, it's small and it enlarges after that (some sort of wind-up). Imo that part could use one more frame, it looks too sudden to me.
  11. It looks tight, I love it!
  12. I'ts better than giving custom jutsu's, equipment or other stuff that could make a player stronger than the rest. I don't see anything wrong with this. I also don't think this would slow down the progress of which they are going now. I myself wouldn't buy a custom song by the way
  13. the lightning senbon has been shown in a previous development log Amazi
  14. -I'ma reserve as well-
  15. Same, also evil hokage hat has my interest
  16. I look at these dev logs, and I jizz, in, my pants!
  17. everything is so smooth! Lightning is gonna be sexy, too bad im already thinking of getting water and wind
  18. Nice, another boss you could implement is the dark one from that movie blood prison or w/e. The big thing with wings, no eyes and shit. A long way from where you guys are probably, but it could be put in the list of things to do if you like.
  19. Beautiful as always! I wonder what stances the user will make performing these jutsus. keep it up!