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Colette last won the day on October 29 2022

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  1. chakra medic should be reverted back to what is was before, lowering the duration of chakra scalpel by 10 seconds to add more damage gives tai/med more of a buff then pure chak/int meds and they can now run while healing?? tai is getting more of a buff then meds are, treat wound was better as a 1 second cast time if they wanted to nerf it for high level pvp then nerf the healing and keep the 1 second cast. change cell regen back to the way it was before...running while healing with that range is way to good especially for kitting
  2. The best part of treat wounds being a 1 second cast time was that i could go into fights and look to heal instead of playing that boring role of just sitting back and letting my team do all the work and run to me when they needed a heal. I liked that i could go in if someone was getting chidori into a combo i could run up heal and save some of their hp. I know that was probably annoying when i did it but i think a better solution would be to nerf the heals. I would rather have a heavy nerf on heals then the cooldown now im reduce to playing that boring medic role were i sit in the back lines ALL THE TIME and wait for someone to come to me. I do play in the backlines sometimes depending on the situation but you should never camp back lines in every single fight. Though with this change i might have to stat reset and have way less hp and give more chakra to give me more heals for cell regen to make up for the fact i cant run in when i need to. Rory: "It was always intended to be a utility jutsu used out of combat for low level players. " I get that but thats what pills are for, im playing the game mostly for pvp healing low levels isnt much content for me even though i do it sometimes. Heavily reduce the healing for the 1 sec cast time
  3. I really like the new "Look behind feature" but im having to squint trying to look for the drop items left behind from mobs, i think it would be really nice and easier to farm for items if they were also to be more brought out as well! ?
  4. yes! the last post about it was 5 months ago and i was told by mods to make one, i dont know how long the new client has been out but maybe now they will fix it!
  5. The slug summon doesnt heal it has no ability's. Ever since i got my slug summon i have yet to seen it heal me even with missing HP. The slug summon only follow me around and only does 35 damage to bad guys, never uses any ability's. EDIT: Im on the new client
  6. Hello i would like to suggest a hair salon in nin online! I want to change from my default hair but im worried ill end up with hair i dont want! I could probably just ask for a refund but i think thats to much of a hassle when i could go in game to look at all the options that are available! Edit: You wouldnt even need to make a new npc either just make a page 3 for hair from that kitsune girl in the shops!