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  1. Hey there! I saw that many people still use this stat calculator. I just wanna let you know that I'm still there! I will update it today
  2. Hello u, I'm recently trying to get back into the game and found my old calculator - Do you want me to update it or isn't there a need for it anymore?
  3. Hello Hello Hello <3

  4. Thank you! I was always asking myself how you're stat calculator looked, because unforunately I've never had the chance to see yours^^
  5. Hello! So I really enjoy this game and found out, that the Stat Calculator from @Kyokotsu is not findable anymore, so I made one by myself (with some help tho' xD - thanku @Keyui for the information) and wanted to share it with you: I dont know if it's accurate enough so that you can really use it, but maybe it's not that bad and may help someone here. Also I haven't added the Intellect stats but I will soon add it. Hope you like it, it'll be updated frequently // Sharing // You can now share your build by copying the generated link under the calculated Melee Damage. Such a link could look like this: This makes it able to share builds. Hope you like it // Changelog // - added total point (you see how much points you can build at lvl 50) - now the needed level for the current build is shown - added sharing option (URL Parameter)