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Jessica last won the day on February 26 2018

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  1. SpringFestival.png

    Hello Ninja,

    The Spring Ninja Festival will be here quicker than you realize, so I'm going to give you some tips to maximize the value of the event.

    Tip 1: The Festival is like the Chuunin Exams in a sense that it's a Roleplay and PvP event, but mainly Roleplay. We will reward you for having excellent Roleplay.

    Tip 2: Don't interfere with the GM Events (killing without permission, interrupting the GMs, etc.). Doing so will result in jail time, which in turn means you lose out on the events and farming potential for an entire hour! Stay in character, and follow the rules!

    Tip 3: The Dragon Festival Masks are only the start of the large collection of Festival Cosmetics. We plan to add new additions of cosmetics every festival for as long as we can come up with new ideas! So, you shouldn't stop saving your Festival Tokens after you get what you want from the store. Stock up on Tokens!

    Tip 4: The outcomes of this event are entirely decided by the hosts of the event which are myself (Jessica), and the two Kage, so respect them! :) 

    Tip 5: Use this as a day of peaceful interaction between other villages and missing ninja! It's a celebration of ninja, not a certain region or village. It'll make things go a lot smoother if you help each other out instead of spending the 24 hours you have to farm tokens killing others.

    I really hope you guys are looking forward to the festival, and I cannot wait to see you next Saturday (the 24th) for a full day of events and exciting content!

    Best Regards,