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  1. Yeah that's the whole point, I don't care what gets added or removed but as long as something gets done about it I'm fine with it.
  2. Hello, @Ueda The recent changes on Tornadoes have made a lot of noises within the community. I do agree it needed a nerf but I think some stuff needs to be worked on for FAN WIND to not cope too much for it. I think we can all agree that tornadoes were mostly abused by INT WIND focused ninjas with 20 strength points and WM/Fans with INT points so that they could burst you out easily out of the Flicker + Tornadoes combo setter. Knowing that Tornadoes won't be reverted, I'd rather suggest other things. TAKE IN NOTES THAT THOSE ARE JUST FEEDBACKS I KNOW THAT MY SUGGESTIONS MY NOT EVEN BE CONSIDERED BUT MY MAIN POINT IS ONLY TO HIGHLIGHT WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE MASTERY FAN OVERALL With the recent changes , FAN WIND (Pure Strength) has been nerfed to the ground. It can still hold its own to me but it is way too weak. Let's look at the kit. Tornadoes : 1sec cast time - 1 sec selfstun - 1 sec stun Homing : 2sec cast time Slicing Wind : 1sec cast time - 1sec selfstun - knockbacks Windmask : 1 sec cast time - 1 sec stun/snare(I don't know if it's a snare or stun or how long it last) - 5 second slow Wind Barrage : 1 sec selfstun Cyclone : 2 sec cast time With how low damaging Fan is, I think it is unfair to have the whole kit having either a cast time or a selfstun. -1/3 of its kit has 2sec cast time. - 5/6 of its kit has a cast time - 1/2 of its kit has a selfstun I think you guys get where I'm going from with this. I think with this big of a nerf on Fan's kit. Other jutsus should be worked on. I have about 4 suggestions. SLICING WIND Remove the cast time, it already has 1 sec selfstun. Removing the cast time evens out the risk/reward aspect of the mastery. CYCLONE Either revert the recent change on it, I don't think it should casted 3-4 tiles from the user, it is so funky to use OR reduce it's cast time to one second. FAN HOMING I think the homing does like 3 more damage than the fan melee which is wrong for a 2 sec cast time homing. I don't necessarly know what I can suggest about the jutsu but I think it's wrong to have this low base damage and this high of a cast time. Increasing the damage, reducing the CP or whatever would be fine with me to be honest. BARRAGE Increase the range or the base damage of the jutsu. By using the jutsu you're literally exposing yourself just to do some damage by being selfstun for 1sec. The reward for the risk taken is just not balanced in my opinion. Obviously, I don't expect all of the changes to be in the game but one single buff of any other jutsu on the kit is fine for me because PURE STRENGTH WIND took a huge hit because of the other path's benefit from it.
  3. Hello Hello, as you may have seem with the title , here is some problems that I would like to point out about fan. 1 - The Fans There seems to be an odd problem with the current fans. Blue Fan, Crystal Fan and Blood Iron Fan have all the same base damage This might not seem like a problem but they're all on the same level now basically, there is no need for you to really had 20 points(80 strength requirement) to have access to the Crystal Fan/Blood Iron Fan if you already have a Blue Fan for 60 strength. Blue Fan -22 base damage - Pierces -Knockbacks - 60 str requirement -2.4 CD Crystal Fan -22 base damage - 0.5 second stun (knockback is basically a 0.5snare so same CC period time) - 80 str requirement - 2.4 CD Blood Iron Fan -22 base damage - 0.5 second stun -80 str requirement -2.2 CD By seeing these graphics, you can tell that having a Blue Fan and get 20 extra points to put in health or chakra is more worth than going for the higher level weapons. It's also the only fan that pierces. That's another advantage it got against other Fans. They're all basically the same weapon and not worth the extra stats. 2- Tornadoes It has been a subject for a while, I think tornadoes should be a Tier III jutsus. That way hybrids would need alot more stats point to have access to one of the strongest jutsu of the kit. Wind hybrids with only 20 str can land combos that can go til 350 damage with 80-90 intellect depending on their second masteries. While a Pure Fan with 80 str won't go over 200 damage with a combo like this because his safest combo is Tornado + melee + kunai (Wind Barrage can be added and reach 200-250 damage but you're selfstun for 1sec which is not really safe). What I'm saying is, without more stat sacrifice, an int wind gets more use of tornadoes than a pure fan. Higher stats sacrifice would make up for it since they would have to neglect their HP or Damage to land such combos. 3-Cyclone That new cyclone change , makes it wonky to use. People that don't play the masteries might not see what's wrong with it, but by having an attack that doesn't reach people that are 4 tiles from you allow them to avoid your jutsus by just running towards you. Which makes no sense because you usually run away from someone if you want to avoid a jutsu. It’s way TOO EASY to avoid for the cast time it has. On top of that, it has 2 second cast time, which gives them even more room to do so. I think the change should be reverted or something else should be changed about this jutsu because it's really tricky and wonky to use. If those concerns could be looked at, it would be appreciated.
  4. I am gonna tell you the truth Vipe. Since I’m the superstar of this world I received a serie of DMs about this topic. You and I know what comes with that famous life. Sadly I had to calm the tension.
  5. Daddy is gonna spank you when he comes homes.
  6. Y’all need to relax, I don’t think it’s in order. Even if it would be, every player has a different perspective of other players with their own bias who cares who’s 1 or 25
  7. Of course my good friend Woo would be hungry for statue recognition.
  8. There’s no point of doing a jutsu tier list when some jutsus are S tier in group fights and some are S Tier in 1v1. There’s too much aspects in place to really give a jutsu a tier.
  9. Puppets should be mad tanky. If it weren’t for the infinite respawn they would legit get outperformed by Pandas and Weasels easily (they currently are if you let them fight and don’t respawn them). However, PB is not the strongest buff. Akatsuki/7SM has the edge. BUT something should still be done about the infinite respawn and wave. Puppets used to have way more Justus(or buff the current ones). They should get them back and wave should be heavily nerfed. Rory already explained that he’d need to get done with the new client before even thinking about fixing the infinite respawn. Basically the only thing you can do is stay patient.
  10. Why would Leaf get a weapon? You guys are asking this as if other villages gets a weapon just for fun. Sand and Mist got hidden weapons because they are needed to use jutsus from their respective hidden mastery. You can’t just give a leaf exclusive weapon for fun. If anything, adding another 20str weapon with CC that’s village exclusive will make it worst. Seeing int medics with weapons that are not related to their mastery is tickling and against the balance.
  11. Stat buffs gets less and less worth everytime the level cap decreases I think the buff for Akatsuki feels "lazy" and could have some type of rework. I hate that pink aura anyway
  12. I think it’d give at least some type of content for rogue organization that has no content but their imagination to create it +1