
Gold Ninja
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Opal last won the day on March 18 2018

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  1. Deadly Ram Outfit Festival: Summer Since the first released seasonal festival item was a dragon mask, I wanted to keep the theme going; the design of these masks is based on the skull of a ram, which wikipedia tells me is one of the animals from the Chinese zodiac associated with summer. And they're skulls... because. The outfit on the left has more summery colors, while the outfit on the right is supposed to be more watery. The mask is unisex while the coat fits the female base.
  2. That was fun! The lag was unreal, but I guess that's a given considering how many people were participating. The registration phase alone took about one hour O: Congratulations to everyone who got promoted!
  3. Are Hawk Feathers really this expensive? I've seen them going for about 60-80 ryo each, and I feel like they're much easier to get/have less utility than DNA.
  4. I really like this tool. It makes stat calculating really convenient (I used to try to do this sort of thing manually but I kept counting my points wrong somehow...) and - maybe this is a little irrelevant, but - I like the design of it, too. Very sleek. I'm waiting with bated breath for the implementation of Int stat : O
  5. Opal

    So what if..

    No, that sounds more like a lvl 85 thing. At lvl 100, if you die in the game, you die for real
  6. Excuse me, I'm going to go and extensively study the chuunin exam videos available on youtube so that I can be prepared for this emotionally.
  7. This is a really useful list! Finding out the average prices of certain items could be confusing for a new player, so I can definitely see this coming in handy. Here's what I'd add: The price of blank scrolls (I think they go for about 200-300 ryo? I'm not entirely sure) The price of sealable scrolls (I've seen people selling them a few times, but not often enough to be sure about the price for each tier. Sealable III may be 3k maybe? Don't take my word on this, I've never bought a scroll) Information whether cash shop items are tradeable and if so, what the rates are (I actually don't know the answer to this question, but even if they aren't, I think this thread could be a good place for information about this) (if this thread is intended to be only about drops, ignore this and the previous point) The price of drops like the double fan, twin fangs etc. (Double fan might be going for 5k? Again, unsure here. Sellback price is a little above 1k, 1250 maybe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong)
  8. I'm really excited about this; I think allowing more variety/customization when it comes to mastery combinations is definitely the way to go. Kudos! I'm also pleasantly surprised Mist is coming out so soon (I didn't expect it to come out this year.) I might yet change my allegiance, hm...