
Silver Ninja
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Shirou last won the day on September 27 2023

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  1. Shirou

    Holy Fame Wars

    -Name: Shirou -Title: Beast Slayer -Join Date: 02/10/2013 -Current Fame: 594 P.S: If I were to win the event. Is it possible to give away the coupons, world blesses & cash shop prize that would be awarded to me over to the 2nd place? If you can split the coupons & blesses between the 2nd and 3rd place that's fine too. Though I'd like the Cash Shop prize to be awarded for 2nd place if I win. Also big thanks to everyone who supported me with the fames. Couldn't have done it without all the love from the community. My sincerest gratitude, you guys are the absolute best
  2. Adding Bijuu's/Jinchuuriki's would definitely give some needed content to the game. Here's some suggestions that I like to bring based off of a Naruto MMORPG game that Erox and I were working on as GM's several years ago: -After defeating Bijuu; The ninja who takes the final hit becomes the Jinchuuriki -The buff is only temporarily until they're defeated or log off (if they're logged off longer than 15 minutes). Afterwards the Bijuu will respawn back in the open world in the next 30 minutes -Kage/Anbu Leader/Akatsuki/ get a Sealing Jutsu, which allows them to take the Bijuu and seal it inside whoever they want. They can seal it inside themselves or to another player -If a Jinchuuriki dies; they're unable to press enter for 60 seconds. Giving Kages/Akats enough time to steal the Bijuu from them -Should take at least 10 seconds to extract the Bijuu with the Sealing Jutsu (Equivalent to Revive cast speed)
  3. -Will of Fire is mostly useless given that you have no chakra to work with when you get back up. It's unreliable and impractical as it is. -12G has been very underwhelming. I would say that +15 all stats and a granted immunity frame sounds like a plausible suggestion. -Some say Leaf doesn't deserve better buffs due to them having numbers, which is a very flawed argument imo. Factually speaking Leaf has more numbers on average daily basis, but they're more spread around throughout the day. Whereas Sand has an organized NA prime time where their sheers numbers can be way more devastating. On that note Leaf also has more lowbies while the other villages are mostly 50+ Secondly, In any 10v10 fight with Puppet brigades, it's basically as if you're fighting against twice the numbers with puppets that deal 153x3 colliding wave damage. A little +100 fort buff isn't going to save anyone from being one-shotted by a Flicker-Fan combo proceeded by +10x3 Puppet wave barrage Thus the argument of discussing buff in terms of total village numbers makes no sense, judging by how 7SM/PB raid together with their ridiculous buffs together with +10 more village members. --- Another option as some have pointed out is to tone down the buffs of the other Orgs which a good alternative solution as well.
  4. Fully agreed with this suggestion. - Will of Fire is mostly useless given that you have no chakra to work with when you get back up. Idk what everyone else is talking about, but WoF is 5%, not 20%. It's unreliable and impractical as it is. -12G has been very underwhelming. +15 all stats and a granted immunity frame sounds like plausible suggestion. -The argument of Leaf having numbers is incredibly flawed imo. Factually speaking Leaf has more numbers on average daily basis, but they're more spread around throughout the day. Whereas Sand has an organized NA prime time where their sheers numbers can be way more devastating. On that note Leaf also has more lowbies while the other villages are mostly 50+. Secondly, In any 10v10 fight with Puppet brigades, it's basically as if you're fighting against twice the numbers with puppets that deal 256x3 colliding wave damage. A little +100 fort buff isn't going to save anyone from being one-shotted by a Flicker-Fan combo proceeded by +10x3 Puppet wave barrages. Thus the argument of discussing buff in terms of total village numbers makes no sense, judging by how 7SM/PB raid together with their ridiculous buffs together with +10 more village members. It's also ironic and funny when people boast about overwhelming the Leaf Village with equal numbers due to their buffs, but then complain about lack of pride when the numbers gain are doubled. Currently Leaf has no other option but to either wait for back-up in order to overwhelm their foes with sheer numbers, or stay inside their village/hospital when they have other means to combat the enemies. Therefore I think it's unjust to withhold a village from getting fair and equal buffs.
  5. Shirou has joined the competition.
  6. I've been watching Boruto for a while as well. Personally I feel like the beginning of the anime was very long-winded and boring. The way they've executed the start of the anime was certainly not as impactful as Naruto Part I. But on the other hand it made sense since there are so many characters in the Boruto series, it takes some time to work with every character and give them some screen time. The story finally starts to pick up the pace once the crew travels to the Mist Village. And the Genin Exam was amazing to watch. I actually have some suggestions that I'd like to see implemented on NinOnline. For starters, I think players should spend a longer time as Academy Students as becoming a Genin should take a bit more effort. Giving them a simple written exam isn't all that challenging and it doesn't really help players work on their roleplay either. So I'd definitely would like to see Academy Students work their way up to lvl10 at least, in order to partake the Genin Exam that has a Practical Exam in it as well. And of course there are several jutsus that I'd love to see. Starting with Boruto's Boruto Stream. Boruto uses his shadow clones to apply a Wind Release to accelerate his dash. That jutsu is called Wind Release: Gale Palm. As the original host is boosted forward, Boruto usually follows it up with a Lightning Release or with Taijutsu. I've always loved the concept of the jutsu called Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll created by Sai. Though I'm not sure how that would fit as a mastery, it could implemented as an exclusive hidden jutsu. And last but not least, I'd love to see that Snake Sage Mode to make an appearance on NinOnline.
  7. I always have and always will strongly encourage people to stay respectful towards others at all times. There's a saying that goes: ''Treat others the same way that you would like to be treated''. Sometimes people tend to say words without thinking as to what kind of effect it may have or what the result can lead up to. But it's often good to stand still and reflect for a moment how it would feel if profane language was used on you. That's why I believe keeping toxicity as a bare-minimum is very important. Some players may go through various hardships in their lives and would like to distract themselves from their IRL situation (whether they're having problems at home, at school or at work), we all come together for the same purpose. To have fun ^^ So lets try to keep this community friendly and as fun as possible for everyone to enjoy. Thank guys
  8. Congratulations to everyone that has been promoted to Chunin. I would like to hold a ceremony to our newly promoted Chunins shortly. The Chunin Exams were truly something special as we had both the Leaf Village and Sand Village competing against one another. I hope to see everyone in game soon. Also if anyone is curious about their grades, feel free to contact me so I may discuss your strong and weak points to fully prepare you for the next Chunin Exam. Remember that every person who has participated will have an advantage on the next one.
  9. Happy 4th Anniversary everyone! It's great to see NinOnline to have come so far. And of course it's all thanks to our wonderful staff and dedicated players. So bless you all. We certainly couldn't have done it without the staff, nor our wonderful players who have been supporting the game for so long. I hope we can celebrate this wonderful moment together. And of course I hope to see many more great years to come. I've personally been around since 2013 and honestly I have to say that words cannot express how much a single game/community has touched me. We've all grown and made progress within our personal lives, yet we've all kept a close sentiment and our love towards this amazing community. Can't wait what the future has in store for us all. I hope everyone is getting prepared for the Chunin Exam by the way, because it's definitely going to be a blast. Also I can't wait for the new content/updates that may follow right after! Also nice screenshot you've taken there Wilkor. ^^ It looks great
  10. About that. There are some missions such as Medical Supply Mission III, that would take amazingly long to finish due to the materials needed to complete the mission. Because this mission has been stuck on me, I've been rather discouraged to play NinOnline for a few days. It would be nice to abandon missions, though I think there should be a timer/counter on how often you can abandon a mission per day. Once a day would be fair.
  11. Man I've been away for just a few days, and everything has gone upside down. Glad to see things are being resolved asap.
  12. So I've had my first RP Mission together with Arufa and Ilunga being assigned as Team #1 with Zintosso as our captain. To be honest, I've thoroughly enjoyed taking part in these type of missions. I'd much rather spend 30 minutes RP'ing than doing a mission grinding and repeating the same thing over and over again. This creates more diversity as it also requires nice improvisation made by the Chunin captains. To quickly summarise how our RP mission went: Team 1 was assigned to go to the Training Area Field in order to sharpen their combat skills due to the crucial and dire situation the Leaf Village is in. Before the training began the team first had to introduce themselves talking about their past, ninja aspirations/dreams and their specialties. After this Team #1 proceeded to have a Triple Threat sparring match. No Jutsus were allowed at the first half of the training. Fatally injuring or killing was against the rules. Although Shirou somehow accidentally managed to fatally injure Ilunga during the second half of the training. Luckily our medic Arufa was there in time to heal her up. After successfully completing the training, the team head back and reported to the Hokage and finished their mission. So I believe this brings a lot diversity towards the game, which definitely makes it a lot more enjoyable for players to interact with other players. Overall I think the exp gain is fine as it is. (13.2k exp for 30 minutes of Roleplaying would almost be equal to actual 30 minutes of grinding) The only thing I've noted however is that the assigned leader/chunin does not gain exp for helping out on an RP mission. It would actually be nice if the leader would get at least one third of the exp originally given from the RP mission in particular. Or at least a slight portion. I think it's a bit unfair if Chunins/Jounins constantly have to do charity work for Genins, especially since everyone will be asking the very few Chunins that we have to assign them on a mission. Of course leaders have the right to accept and refuse on their own behalf, but I can expect Chunins being rather committed to their ranks and take their position seriously. Last thing to mention though, I am rather concerned with the exploits of RP missions. One player could drag out a mission longer than 30 minutes, as another could try to cut corners and shorten it to 10 minutes. Now obviously if someone decided to repeat this process to power level, it could turn out to be a disaster. So there needs to be some sort of regulations towards that. A timer would be nice for example.
  13. So. I've been gone for quite a whlie due to my exams. What's up NinOnline?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Akiro


      Been very good lately, glad to see you back with us

    3. Shirou


      Glad to know I didn't miss much. My exams are finally over. I missed all of you guys. I'm happy to be back..

      And thanks for the warm welcome my friends. I appreciate this nice gesture. ^^

    4. Tydon


      Welcome back, Shirou!

  14. I'm glad to know that you've come back to us Rory. Welcome home =)