
Gold Ninja
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SenketsuBANNED last won the day on June 24 2020

SenketsuBANNED had the most liked content!

About SenketsuBANNED

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  1. Draconia would appreciate this uniform a lot.
  2. The server is kinda laggy atm, like charging and casting jutsus. I'm hoping these things will be fixed as you guys work on the server more. Never really had this issue on the normal server. Still great work nonetheless, hopefully we can see smoother gameplay in the future so that it's easier to counter aimless masteries. Also looking forward to more content soon. Thanks for the fun game.
  3. Love this. I love being able to see the progress being made on a game that i've spent so much time playing.
  4. Congrats on getting a 78, I only got a 54 on the practice one.
  5. Thanks for your hard work Rory, and thanks for keeping us updated on content. I'm sorta excited to level up.
  6. If someone is hesitating to run for council because they don't have enough ryo to do so, pm me on discord.
  7. One solution could be using earth prison under the tree or just spam aoe under trees, its like the situation with trash bags :’(
  8. Thank you for this year's Halloween content. It's a good way to stimulate the game by forcing players to go into danger zones to grind the pumpkins, giving people more of a chance to complete their bounty missions or cbk/waging war missions. Also, there's gonna be more entertainment with group fights. (even coupons r pretty cool too ngl)
  9. I'm actually addicted to Nin.