Shang Chi

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  1. use this version instead. This worked for me. I believe the 6.0.19 is not the latest one. Believe it's like 6.0.41 or something. Either way, follow that link, install that version of net and you should be good to go. (Literally just had this problem 5 minutes ago)
  2. Shang Chi


    Pick up every mob drop. There's an NPC called LevelUp! You can talk to to start a tutorial questline. After that, kill larvae/other low end mobs until you can hit lvl 10 and get your jutsu spec. Fire has good damage, so make sure to spec into int. Fort will be your HP, and chakra is obvious. Don't touch str/agi until you know what you're doing. Join your villages discord and ask any questions you have. Edit: Also when you can spare 80 ryo, buy a kunai from the sword shop.
  3. That would be so nice. Imagine 1 dude being a huge problem. 1 guy being a champ "Ill take him out of the fight" brings him somewhere else and gets his sht rocked, but by the time its over the other dudes team is dead and he cant save them all. Would be nice
  4. So for the past many years, it's seemed that jutsu follow the same path leading to a repetitive loop that does not leave much room for fresh combat. Flicker, damage, snare, stun, knockback, sometimes silence. We have AoE's, projectiles, a slight form of sensory, basic healing, DOT's. There's a list of effects and different jutsu types and abilities that, while being a longer list, gets stale as it does not always effect the style of gameplay. I have a few suggestions on different jutsu/types of techniques that could be added to the game. 1) Team Jutsu- Jutsu that have to be cast with more than 1 person. This could work by the initial caster beginning the technique, which would then place markers at specific places that the other users have to stand at to cast. One example of this from Naruto is the "Barrier 4 Man Formation"(Pictured Below). This would add a new form of trapping to the game aside from generic stuns/snares. Actually limiting the battlefield, adding an interesting addition to raids/team fights. There are a multitude of jutsu that can be used this way. Earth wall, Water Sharks, they all have the ability to be streamlined together in a team setting. 2) Genjutsu- Now that instanced mapping is in the game, I believe Genjutsu has become more possible than ever before. One idea would be Tsukiyomi(pictured below). As this is a well known jutsu, i wont specify what it could do. Rather understanding the limitless possibilities of Genjutsu would be sufficient as it revolves around perception of senses. These are just a few ideas I've had. Cheers
  5. Let's ignore the fact the dude said "lemme doss" because it's equivalent in some way, shape, or form. I've seen people get banned for less
  6. Rory just made an update for confirmation about these things. If you "accidentally" leave corps you still have to wait the period. A waiting period would work great, as it would prevent the constant exile/pardon feature. It is not intended to be used the way it currently is.
  7. 30 days is an example, I'm sure it could be figured out. but for it to be instant is just not working out. Multiple spawns would be nice but as for the kages; majority of nin players will abuse something if they're given the chance to. Taking out the ability to abuse is better than relying on players, especially when roles are given out from an inner circle. However this topic is about what is listed above, so keep it on topic or on a different thread.
  8. As we all know, there's a rampant problem with the amount of exiles/teleportation being abused. 1)Villages have been abusing the exile/ pardon feature to get quick movement to rogue villages(Ie, host lab, takumi, tanzaku) or vice versa(getting into leaf/sand/mist) without having to travel. This may not pose as an imminent problem, however it does make things such as the house teleportation very abusable. Not only this, but if you are to be exiled in an RP sense, it does not allow for a return to the village whenever you deem fit. My idea to prevent this from being abused? Implement the same feature now used in corps. If you are exiled, you must wait 30 days(rather than the corps 180) before you can return to the village. This will put more of a sense of urgency behind the exile and pardon features to prevent them from being abused, and force village leaders to make these calls strategically. 2)The next rather important issue is the issue of teleportation/ quick map travel. more than once I've watched ninja run into a house and log off. only to appear in their home village free of BI, carrying whatever mission(Generally Docs) they've completed safely without worry of dying on the way. I feel as though I don't need to go into great detail on this one, as we all know this is not how @Ueda intended it. Along with the house teleportation abuse, there is the issue of the "Hidden Kage Room". A room kages can carry their entire party into. Long ago, I never thought this could/would be abused. But now you will find when a group of ninja is pinned in a situation they cannot hope to escape from; the kage can team up with them, and teleport them all to that room. Safely in the village. This can also be done with bosses(Ie, Spider Boss/Snake Boss). Anything really that will teleport your team. This can be a bit trickier to fix. As far as the houses go, it may be as simple as making it so you go through the same actions as death(Potentially minus the BI) to ensure it is not abused for mission purposes. Elsewise you can lock houses to villages so that (for instance) a leaf ninja cannot enter a sand ninjas household, or vice versa. The kage room can be fixed by making it a door in the kage office similar to the chunin entrance building. Where kage can lock/unlock the area as they please to bring people in and out. This would remove the need for teleportation altogether. Lastly for the bosses, you could make it so that each member has to elect to enter the room. Now that instanced maps are a thing, I imagine it would be easy enough to make sure you enter the same room as the rest of your party. These are just some ideas to fix some fairly broken mechanics in the game. Input is appreciated, but if you're only shooting them down because you enjoy to abuse them yourself then keep scrollin'!
  9. Hope this doesn't cause a playerbase backlash. Lot of people been waiting on advanced under the implications it's been worked on whereas your GM's go around testing the jutsu out. Only time will tell, I hope things work out for the best and this announcement doesn't have the effect many fear it will.
  10. Hello, the sand chunin arena does not register basic attacks. I have not tested with a fan, however melee and swords do not work. To recreate, just go in the arena and press "z" on another player. It will not register the attack