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Yatori last won the day on August 9 2018

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  1. firstly add more mission limit. Or allow us to abandone non daily missions ty
  2. drop of iron key is a joke also just saying
  3. @Donathat wasnt fake bounty not yet i started doing fake bounty on 48-50 /y
  4. @Light i think you are blind bcs im on top of bounty list https://gyazo.com/2458a111773043529e48b43ca9b79b3d :joy:
  5. but we mean kenock if you want add this rules fine but make it good with conditions for example anbu cant get lvl below 50 akat same they need won for example one tournament to join anbu or akat something like this
  6. its gonna be funny see anbu or sanbu lvl 20-40 :joy: noobs in high rank incoming
  7. im clear and im not blind after all but act like you want 30 days left tetsu san
  8. ye tetsu L inner circle in sand will fall too no more power in your hands
  9. @Siegrain midnight just think which char you will pick because you wont be able to join akat on anymore alts bcs kenock will check it /y
  10. new akat getting spamkilling starts in 30 days /y
  11. @Ueda that was a joke where is my like ok @Mael Kyra repaired it
  12. ez im waiting for 1min$ wanna already bank number code xD ?
  13. + stats guide is in my mind too
  14. My next goal is do mission guide but I need developers help with create a list lets wait for it