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  1. Yes, pls. New client's pink looks awful and doesn't match any pink cosmetics.
  2. Not sure what is this referring to. Vacuums is what makes wind 'oppressive 1v1 single target mastery' and it is now almost never worth using in 1v1. Even in a long cc, you are probably better off just using other jutsus. Vacuums are basically an extend to stuns in teamfights and wind is imo the worst teamfighting mastery. Nerfing Claw wouldn't kill Wind. Claw is the reason Wind started being considered OP, if you look it up, there was #Justice4Wind posts and people asking for new jutsu before Claw, and then same people wanted the mastery nerfed. Wind did not need justice, it was already strong. People trying to fix what wasn't broken got the mastery overtuned. That's what made it OP. As I said, the fact that Wind now has one of the top 5 worst jutsus in the game (imo), and is still almost as strong as before that, speaks for itself. Flicker Claw is a guaranteed damage + cancel + DoT. Nerfing the most obviously overpowered jutsu which is literally guaranteed and locking Fan to its sub mastery (or changing nados, so they can't be abused by int Wind) was the better and, imo, obvious solution. Hell, even nerfing the damage it does or removing the stun would've been better than making it runcast. Ruining a jutsu that was not the reason for Wind to be OP did not fix anything, it just ruined a jutsu. If someone disagrees, please explain to me, why did nobody call int Wind OP when vacuums worked the same way for YEARS and nerf posts started rolling in after Claw got added (and vacuums got overbuffed, but they were then nerfed to what they were before). People were calling Wind the weakest mastery (which it really wasn't, it just didn't have guaranteed damage) before Claw.. it isn't rocket science to figure out what made it OP. Flicker nados and Claw are the problem with Wind.
  3. Fan/Pipe melee - sure, why not.. Fan - no, nados are the slowest moving projectile in the game, your only way to land them is from point-blank range. No one is gonna stand next to you and wait for you to run at them with it, they will just run away and dodge it. It is literally that slow. The issue with nados is that they can be landed off of flicker and elements abuse them. Just lock the jutsu to its damn sub-path. Why would you balance a mastery around a broken weapon, instead of balancing the weapon?! Fans that stun are an AWFUL idea and I don't know why did they ever become a thing. Taijutsu - 1s cast on kick COULD work. Seismic, no. You'd have to be literal Sanic to even have a chance to land it.. GF - crusher - no. Other jutsu - idc. Medic - sure, flicker scalpel carried people would be lost without stunning scalpel. Wind - claw is guaranteed hit after flicker and its only counterplay (besides subbing it which I don't see as a counter for reasons I don't find necessary to explain) is that you get selfstunned after using it and can be hit back, why would you want to remove that? You suggest cast times for random jutsus but not the one jutsu that actually needs a cast time. Won't even comment on the Water slash thats the worst suggestion I've seen in a while. Actually awful.
  4. I disagree. A good bullet can win a teamfight. Vortex cancels 2s casts with ease and you can extend stuns on already stunned targets. Fire doesn't need a realiable stun, because the jutsus aren't really that hard to hit, being fast and AoE. It also has the highest base damage in the game, and after vacuums being nerfed, the highest dmg on an instacast jutsu which can pontentially hit more than twice. Fire just needs the hitboxes fixed, rest is okay. Why fix something that isn't broken?
  5. Sure, my point is that in its current version, it is not 'fixed'. Wind was OP for different reasons and the fact that a jutsu becoming useless didn't really make wind that much weaker shows just that. Vacuums weren't the issue, they worked the same way for years and it only became considered OP after claw was added. It's like saying fire is OP, because of dragon (which does about the same damage as vacuums minus the stun - issue is that wind has a set up with nados and undodgable flicker claws). Any change would've been better than runcast vacuums.
  6. "2) Make vacuums instacast and drop the stun on the 3rd bullet." would still be a better fix to that compared to making the jutsu useless altogether.
  7. Basically title. The change to vacuums is simply not working. It literally needs a 2s CC, be it stun or snare, to even have a chance to land. Unless you have 2s CC of your own (and there is only a handful of them as is), or someone else lands a stun for you (which even then is a waste, because you can use 3 other jutsus in the time it takes to cast the vacuums + the selfstun.. its basically just a stun extend), vacuums are, imho, the most useless jutsu one can have. It is almost impossible to hit 3 bullets on a moving target, unless you are some aimbot. And no one just stands still to get hit by 3 bullets or lets you get in point-blank range. To not make it a pointless banter, my suggestions are: 1) Revert vacuums to the state they were before. Instead lock tornados to str Wind and/or make Claw runcast (it is a guaranteed hit with flicker which also cancels casts due to knockback). 2) Make vacuums instacast and drop the stun on the 3rd bullet. 3) Keep vacuums as 1s runcast and remove the selfstun after the 3rd bullet, so at least when you decide to try your luck and hit at least 1 bullet, you don't get punished for it. Any of these would've been a better fix to Wind, because vacuums aren't what was wrong with it. Claws and nados are. As it is right now, if you are solo Wind or have a 2nd mastery that lacks any 2s CC, there's almost no reason to even learn the jutsu. It's top 3 worst jutsus in the game in its current state. Cheers.
  8. Now that I actually read it, I don't really think fire needs a buff, it's a pretty good mastery overall. Imo, it just needs the hitbox on big bullet and vortex fixed. The animations are bigger than the actual hitbox. Also vortex shouldn't selfstun the user for longer than it stuns the opponent on hit, it makes no sense.
  9. 100% agree. Bubble is just not it atm.
  10. Ori

    Nerf sensory

    Yes, pls. Range is WAY too big; it's instacast, so your cloak disappears instantly; it has about same CD as cloak; and it maplocks. Ideally, I don't think it should maplock, its purpose is to break cloaks, but a range decrease would work, too. Alternatively, it's requirement should be increased, so only actual chakra medics with high enough chakra can use. Currently it's being used by people who aren't even medics, because their build doesn't really matter, when they walk around with 20 people.
  11. Ori

    EU servers

    What's a sane game?
  12. Ori

    EU servers

    First of all, you'd be bad with canadian ping. Second of all, no one HAS to have low ping to play the game, unless they wanna be ToP TiEr. Game is playable enough atm even without a tunneler. Just because BR server is doing well, if that's even the case, wouldn't know, it doesn't mean an EU server would also work. Afaik, Kenock suggested/requested BR server and he's responsible for it. Who will be working on EU server? You? A whole new server means resources and hiring people. Yall want something and don't know what you want. Instead of whining about stuff you don't understand, be appreciative of all the stuff Rory's added past few months. Stop being fuckin whiners. tl;dr EU server is a dumb idea and everyone who agrees with it should use brain. Edit: Trying to understand what you're typing is hurting my brain.
  13. Ori

    EU servers

    Imagine wanting to split the population of a game that already has low population. Absolutely genius. What will your ping matter if theres like 20 people total playing that server? If anything we need a host that is closer to EU, so the ping difference isn't as big. A whole new server will just kill the game.
  14. Ori


    Ayo, why he say 1/3 like Takumi ain't a thing? We riot *fire emote* edit: He probably didn't count Mist, cus it's a ghost town. Riot delayed.