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  1. Clan: Noragami (stray God) Village: sand / missing DOJUTSU Jikan Eye: ADDITIONAL INFO The Noragami Clan Is a clan from another continent that fled to the land of wind, the descendant of the Noragami clan now live in the shinobi wold as ninja. The eye is awakened at a random point in someones life, and once it is, it can not be turned off. Visions of the future can be seen through the user's dreams or through concentration. It may also happen at random. The stronger the eye is in someone, the more accurate and further someone can see into the future. Ability's Temporal Sight - The user can see any point all throughout time, whether that be along their own timelines or along the timelines of others however this happens at random to the Noragami clan without long term concentration. Fourth dimension manipulation - User can stop time while being unaffected themselves. If the user moves before this ability ceases, it would appear to everyone that the user teleport-ed. The user makes a small or medium sphere around them self that stops time for all inside for a short time. MEMBERS Roxies, Miku, Kushkaga, Yato Noragami, Mika, Laws BACKGROUND The Noragami Clan existed for many years, watching the world evolve before their eyes. Since they first came into existence back when the world was new, they had predicted the future with the Jikan eye. The first of the clan was said to be a woman who used her amazing power of the eye to lead the first people into a new world. When they lived in fear of the the darkness, she gave them fire. When they were starving with nothing to eat, she showed them how to hunt and farm. And when they were attacked, she showed them how to kill. It was even said that she taught them the potential of chakra and its many forms. As time went on the Noragami clan began to thrive, using their power as a light to shine the way for mankind, pulling them from the dark ages. However they were not some heavenly sent creators. They were simply people trying to survive along side others. So when they had seen what awaited them in the distant future the leaders of the clan decided they should seclude themselves for hundreds of years from the rest of the world to change the future laid out before them. Though as country and kingdoms rise so too does the need for power. Not the power to guide but the kind to completely destroy an enemy at any turn. This lead to people seeking out the Noragami clan members and asking for there aid in battles time and time again. Since the Noragami clan feared the outside world, it lead to them refusing and cutting all ties with those that ask for help. As a result, since they were not allies of those people, they were seen as enemies. It was the very people that asked for aid that decided to make the Noragami clan serve them by force. So they were hunted down by most of them and were killed as others were taken as slaves for the selfish purpose of gaining an advantage over other country's clans or even villages, forcing them to use their power to kill and conquer. As they did not excel in violence, the Noragami clan was almost all wiped out or taken as prisoners. As for the members of the clan that escaped, they fled across the Coral Ocean to the Land of Wind and hid among the people of the sand. It has been many years since the Noragami have come to the sand and the new generation have decided not to make the same mistake as there ancestors. Instead, they will not let fear make them inactive and allow others to control them. It is this very ideal that gives them their mentality to train harder then most, pushing themselves to there limits even though they don't specialize in any jutsu or form of combat. They use their wit and perseverance to overcome enemies on this new continent. MOTO "Even if you can see the future, that does not mean it's set in stone" Past activity Since the time of the 1st Kazekage, the Noragami clan has travelled from village to village all over the Shinobi world. They have helped with raids, spying, stealing, selling info, whatever it takes to survive. Not all Noragami are guilty of these crimes though. Most act on a individual level but recently they've been coming together and warn the sand village of attacks , raids, spy's, and traitors. We plan to do more but we have to show our existence first. LOGO
  2. cant get the game to launch and its randomly saying there is  a virus on both me and my girlfriends game. I also has a error pop up and i tryed to reinstall it but it does the same thing

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    1. roxies


      seems like its the updater

    2. Maraki


      same here were u able to fix this yet?


    3. roxies


      no all I know is that its he updater


  3. what kind of gift card is it that i can get to redeem like is it nexon gift card steam what kind


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  4. YO seth Make lighting great again what are your thoughts on it. I mean it has a lot of people noticing it 

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  5. I need to get one of the admin to reply to MAKE LIGHTNING Great again. then maybe we can see some progress or maybe at le know if this change is possible.

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  6. all the guides i'm making are a parody and in no way should be taken seriously xD

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