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Toska last won the day on January 23 2018

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  1. It's okay ^^~ Thank you for taking the time to write all this, we really need these events!
  2. apart = separated; you mean "a part of". I'm sorry, but it's bugging me, 'cause it means exactly the opposite of what you mean to say! D:
  3. We've already killed you once, easy peasy lemon squeezy
  4. Good job! I had the idea to start price checking, so people can't manipulate prices and/or rob low levels, but never quite got myself to do it. You can add rare drops or HQ items, if you feel like their prices are worth following.
  5. Thank you for taking your time to explain and show us your vision of the game, instead of ignoring us completely. It shows that you read our complaints and care about them.
  6. So many Mizukages. I just want Paper or Sand release. ^^
  7. I've never uploaded photos in a post, so it may be a bit too big/small, will try to edit it if I can. My entry for the contest is a guide for doing docs: All characters and events are fictional and not based on real people. It was not made to ridicule something or offend people, it is made purely for fun! I do not own the rights for any of the art, I just did the editting. It took me a lot of time to make, but it was a lot of fun, so hope you like it!
  8. Origami Lungs

    Origani Liver

    Origami Kidney

    Origami Small Intestine 

    Origami Large Intestine

    Origami Gallbladder 


  9. @Mikaele My thoughts exactly.
  10. How is making clothing exclusive to villages gonna change it? There's like 5 people in the whole game that wear Sand robes, nobody is wearing the Leaf clothes that are to be limited. It could work if everyone was wearing items from the clothing stores, but that's not the case. Open Bounty Book, walk around the villages, everyone is wearing HQ robes or Cash shop cosmetics. Maybe limit HQ and CS to villages, so they can be told apart? That just makes no sense. It is not gonna improve RP in any way, it will not make the game better, it will ruin it for those who have grinded (because of the effort, not the ryo) for the Robe and are now gonna lose it for absolutely no reason. Sand has the best training spots and best clothes in stores, why not make the spots exclusive, aswell? For RP. We need new content and new features (like hidden names) in the game for it to be more fun, not removing (or limiting in this case) already existing ones. Most of the people who are saying it's a good idea to make village's clothing exclusive seem to be either people from Sand (since they don't lose anything from the change), people who aren't wearing the stores' clothing, or people who aren't even playing the game anymore.
  11. Yeah, like everyone is wearing clothes from the shops. Most of the players are using event HQ robes + ??? masks in raids, and cash shop items the rest of the time. That's most likely the case for the majority of the people that are voting for the change. It will not change anything in big fights. It will not make roleplaying better. It only affects the Leaf players who are using Sand robes (which is the best outfit that can be bought with ryo). Sands probably couldn't care less about "Leaf's shirts with the Uzumaki symbols". Make new village-exclusive uniforms for raids (or redesign the uniform people start with, so they are more distinguishable. We can't sell it anyways, so instead of just having to drop it, let it have some use) don't limit clothing that is for everyone to use. I'm fine with names not showing, it will make us more stealthy and ninja-like, but don't take the clothing away.
  12. Or you could make a different colour Sand robes for non-Sands (for example White for leaf, Red for missings, etc). I'd rather not have to restart and go to Sand just because I can no longer wear my robe.
  13. That's a big no no. I like cosmetics and I like Sand's clothing more than Leaf's. Maybe add a specific clothing that only someone who is from a certain village can wear. I'm wearing a Scarfed Sand Robe most of the time. If it's taken away from me and only Sands and Missings can wear it, I'm going missing without a second thought.