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  1. Hi guys! Your friendly Peace List of the Leaf Sasori here! Telling you how to duck fights if scared of zerg! All jokes aside, this bug can be pretty harmful when used like this. I see that now. I never thought it was too bad until I was shown it could be used as a free escape rather than just quick travel so here it is in action. EDIT: This can be done from any Dodgeball NPC. I don't know what causes an account to bug but not everyone, or account, can do it.
  2. My guy acting like he young enough not to know what MSN was.. LOL I do agree though, they should be changed to your suggestions. A minor change but a needed one
  3. We gonna just forget when Sasuke did it to teleport in the face of Naruto in the start of Shippuden?
  4. Sasori


    I actually agree with this post somewhat.. Something that's annoying is going to DZ and seeing "I'm a Sand alt" from a Mist rogue account that you end up killing and they spend the next hour in your DMs crying that you killed them and you'll pay for it. I don't blame Lumy for this at all as I believe no peace list makes the most sense. Kill all rogues upon seeing em makes life simpler than having to check PL for every rogue that runs past. However, I have seen several times Sand favours rogues when it comes to fighting it out since inner circle is a thing. It seems less Sand get punished for healing rogues than punished and it makes you wonder "Why bother?" when it comes to even trying to live village life. Just my 2 cents on the matter, not that anyone asked UwU
  5. Disclaimer: I am not a balancer of a game in any way shape or form and the suggestions I am about to make are nothing but theory and ideas I had about Puppet Brigade being a previous member and current spectator of the organisation. If you are easily offended by opinions or suggestions you can take your salt somewhere else. However, constructive criticism is welcomed. Thanks for popping in! Puppet Brigade's Current State Puppet Brigade, as of right now is currently an Organisation that consists of members with a puppet that fires a handful of jutsu but heavily relies on Colliding Wave to put out big insane damage. This is all well and good but spam summoning of a squishy RNG jutsu puppet doesn't feel like it takes much, if any skill. Using it felt almost tedious of making sure your puppet was out and not being able to see it amongst the sea of the rest of the organisations puppets was a drag. Puppet Brigade's Weapons So I was thinking, aside of just this one big boy RNG puppet, Puppet Brigade could have the choice of puppets that provide different roles. I have only come up with 3 additional types in my spare time of pondering the idea of different puppets but there is room for more. What I came up with was this. (Shout out @Pog for the idea of a couple of the references for appearance) -Offensive Puppet: Close Combat Oriented that relies on closing the gap using flicker, average health, auto related in some way. Primarily used to harass the enemy. (Couldn't find any other reference of this specific puppet) -Defensive Puppet: Slow to move towards target, very small amounts of damage, tankier health. Primarily used similar to Earth Wall to soak up damage and has a much longer cooldown to resummon, maybe 60 seconds. -Supportive Puppet: Puts out minimal damage, if any. Uses CC attacks to lockdown enemies, less than average health. Primarily used to CC the enemy but only single target, nothing like the Sands great EPEPEPEP technique. (I considered a passive heal but figured this was too much) (Excuse the meme for appearance, didn't know what a support could look like xD) New Puppet Brigade Outfit This part of the suggestion I was the most unsure about since the current outfit was picked by the first generation of Puppet Brigade and I have nothing but respect for my predecessors but I do feel it is quite dated compared to the other organisation. As there was no reference to what the Narutoverse Puppet Brigade really wore I always thought the robes of Chiyo's Ten Puppets were quite nice. However, I am aware, in-game, this could just be considered "White Unhooded Robe" but also thought the robes could stand out with the heads of the puppets being revamped as masks for the organisation or headpieces that come with the robe. In theory, something like this. (Minus Chiyo) Conclusion That's pretty much all I had in mind to tweak the current Puppet Brigade. Apologies for lack of details on damage output and such, I am not one for balancing but figured I would throw in my two cents on the organisation and the community could chip in or add to the concept. Slight TL;DR: I think we need more puppets aside of the current RNG jutsu puppet. A new outfit could be cool with different masks/headpieces for each member similar to Chiyo's Ten Puppets. Sources: Offensive Puppet (Puppet Walker) - Defensive Puppet (Salamander) - Supportive Puppet (Sakura Puppet) - Outfit (Chiyo's Ten Puppets) -
  6. I'm sorry but if there is one man who is allowed to balance the Bowlcut, it is Yami. The man has rocked that about as much as he rocked the white fro. Fix the bowlcut @Ueda
  7. Ayy! Good job to all that had a hand in finding a solution! Glad this pesky bug was squashed!