
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Seifer

  1. Player A: Go kys you fkn besty n*** Player B: flap off Admin: *Bans player B*
  2. Then enemies will just bug the Jonin by making them walk behind a building.
  3. Vacuum is garbage by itself now. If you trick shot with it you have a chance of landing 1 hit for like 70-ish damage. It only works when someone stuns a person with EP, WP, LC type jutsus. I think losing the roll when paired with CC was fine, but it needs to be a little more usable for solo wind even if it is just taking away the self-stun.
  4. I believe the technical term is an Opacity bar.
  5. You get players with higher ping that run 10x your speed almost literally and when you get to the map change you will be combat locked when you did not start to fight yet. #NinFrustrations Honestly, it would be better if the maps simply connected to one another without a map change, however this would not be done without tremendous lag. I think the easiest solution is adding more side maps and different elevations of entrances/exits so you have less of a chance of being ambushed on map changes and more of a chance of starting a fight on the same map.
  6. It would not be the same as bubble clone. The puppets would have ranged jutsus and melee, but they just are no longer immortal and insta-kill armies. Would also be nice if they did not take up half a map. Js
  7. If blood katana got a passive like this it's initial dmg would have to be lowered. But besides that point, I do not think Rory could program in so many technicalities into a sword for this type of game.
  8. Especially since there is an animation there. And you are not using it at an elevated level. Also fire bullet should definitely get those hit-boxes if Taijutsu's Peacock strike can hit players from the side of them with no animation lul.
  9. Seifer


    The whole game is kind of awkward with it's level/stat requirements and legendary/rare statuses. Could use some tweaking.
  10. An increase to Wind Scythes speed would be good. Vacuum getting CC is okay as long as it isn't insta-cast. People complain about Wind Claw because of the insta cast interrupt, but it does not combo with anything because of the knockback so it seems pretty balanced to me.
  11. What Aesthetic said. You need to buy gold under the Cash Shop, then you can change your name once a year. To get there you go to the top right. [Your Name] -> [Account Settings] -> [Ninja Name]
  12. Sage Naruto > Tsunade but ye. We need to fix mechanics surrounding Kages before even talking about buffing them imo
  13. Best way to understand it is by asking a GM in-game to see the speed of their hits at certain points. (If they are nice enough to not ignore you)
  14. Seifer


    You might as well delete Chak Scalpels if you are going to increase CD. If you want medic to lose scalpels, it will need to become a full support class with 6 jutsus. And like Mizxry said, they will just always end up dead in a fight unless these new jutsus increase survivability by a good amount. (Poison Scalpel should lose CC or lose insta cast)
  15. Seifer


    Fire is a great starter mastery. It is good for PvE. You will probably want something with more CC in the future tho. Especially since this game is all about combat.
  16. The best part of the new client was fixing ghost hits and more accurate projectiles, but now it’s gone downhill.
  17. They always see it, they just usually ignore it.
  18. Seifer


    There is no more Robin, only Batm-- Rory. Wb
  19. Fix the infinite splash dmg and a CD on respawn. That's 100% doable and logical.
  20. Lmao better things to fix than a never dying one shot mechanic. Suuure.
  21. I know having a homing at all is cheap, but nerf wind anymore and it's a dead mastery. Without homing and claw, the whole mastery is throwing out one projectile every 10-20s. lol I can forsee a call to rework the jutsus in the future. In which case I would support. I do not like free hits, but one projectile every 10-20s is too weak too.
  22. Seifer


    If that is true, that is funny because Kyu has a plus in agility. Lol