
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Seifer

  1. Mastery lock pipe and fan. Take away knockback and snare from first tier of weapons. PvP reason why: Having two or more pipe users can infinite snare you. It's a free WP on hit with no CD. Fan's knockback allows a free tool hit as well for everyone in that village. This is broken gameplay mechanics. RP reason why: How can a non-water mastery produce water from pipes? How does damage after pipe not pop the bubble? How can a non-wind user produce wind from the fan? Sealing techniques require blood sacrifices, where is this? How can only their village only know to use these weapons and not everyone else when there are criminals willing to do anything to hurt their village? Fix this already.
  2. I do agree 6 months is a really long time, but Kages could always retire early. What this topic should really focus on is there being be a way to dethrone Kage's once they become in-active or extremely unfavorable.
  3. Seifer

    Crystal Fan

    Honestly.. Remove triple hit from crystal fan. Lock Fan to Wind mastery and make the base fan not have knockback on hit. Lock Pipe to Water mastery and make the base pipe not have snare on hit.
  4. They must have found out a special method or something. Anytime I try to complete the mission there I go beyond a negative net amount.
  5. I agree. Weapons should be mastery locked. WoF should bring back some chakra. If 7sm and Puppet Brigade gets a weapon attached with jutsus so should 12g. I think a 3-5s immunity jutsu where they can't take damage or give damage when they want to activate it. They are guardians and this jutsu could be used to frontline damage for Leaf in raids.
  6. For real. Every village other than leaf has a free knockback and snare for all of their characters. They have a village boost that works 100% of the time that is actually useful and doesn't let you simply get killed twice. What's up with that @Ueda. Numbers don't justify a game mechanic as numbers are always changeable while game mechanics are not. People change villages, go missing, or never reach a high enough level to be relevant. That is not to mention prime times.
  7. Seifer


    He'll come back...they always come back...
  8. I updated my pics! They are on page 2 rn. Have a looksie @Ueda
  9. Akat and Taka; Meeting within my Tsukuyomi! Behold the power of the Akatsuki. Akat and Taka Meeting in Mist! Akatsuki's secret recruiting process. Akat Conquering Sand Leaf meeting with Akat Leaf meeting with Akat in woods. LMPF and Friends LMPF Squad Leaf Events Leaf Tourney's Leaf dogs going wild and eating JOSH! Leaf Genin Cleaning Sand Puppetry! Farming in Nin! 3rd Hokage Goodbye! Training Ground Spars! Chunin Exams Ahoy! Road to Toad Master Got lost in SAND!? THIS ISN'T LEAF CHIEF! Leaf vs Sand Yoru Friends fighting in a cruel world! Hard crushing defeat at Chunins! Sensei and Pupils Training 1. Sensei and Pupils Training 2. @Ueda Check it! You didn't like my first round of pics, hope you like my secret gems I added!!!