Roku Fist of Asura

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  1. I can't say which one is the best or my favorite because they are all amazing. Congratulations @Erox and thank you.
  2. Very good, incredible, sensational, splendid ... but where is the real Rory and what did you do with him? @Ueda
  3. Congratulations to the whole team for your hard work so far. Note:"... this means Nin is more than 66.6% modernized now." Is Rory confirmed illuminati?
  4. Thank you for all your effort. The future looks so bright.
  5. The best Kage in the game without a doubt. I hope that the advanced masteries arrive soon, I can hardly wait to use Edo Tensei.
  6. Sobre isso aq dos contatos... eu acho difícil, como eu disse os BR ficam ocultos e tem muita gente tóxica nessa comunidade, ninguém vai mandar os contatos aq nesse tópico, mas podem fazer isso por privado aq do fórum msm ou do jogo, porém prefiro Discord q é mais impessoal.
  7. Ter tem, tem até como mudar de vila, mas aí vc tem q resetar o char (ele volta para o level 1).
  8. Tem eu e mais alguns remanescentes. Parecemos até o clã Uchiha, existem poucos, alguns até se escondem/ocultam, outros acabam com os próprios membros do "clã" e alguns se destroem por si só. Seja bem vindo! Edit: Quase esqueci da xenofobia, cuidado, mas muitas pessoas vão ser toxicas de qualquer jeito, elas só buscam uma desculpa pra isso, independente da falta de logica do msm.
  9. Great planning, but I didn't see anything about the jutsu slots. Are we going to keep 15 slots forever up to level 100? Or are we going to win more of them as we level up it like today? I ask this because the statistics "will change" after level 50, I want to know if the jutsu slots will change too.
  10. Good job Rory, I know we complain about your game a lot, and it's good when you tell us more about what happens "behind the scenes," so you and the team show us your reality, just as we players show our side to the developers. Anyway ... great work from everyone involved, not only in Mist Village but throughout the game.
  11. You could say that you did the RP's followed with the same Teacher, because if I remember correctly ... had once I found a Teacher who did the RP 1 and then the RP 2 soon after with my group and in the end we received the two token's or he gave the token of RP 1 and then started RP 2, I do not remember for sure. But since you have not used it as a defense it probably is not your case. Note: There is this hypothesis @Ueda, but I do not know if it is still considered "cheating" or not.
  12. Sorry Ueda, I know your logs can have 100% of the information, the people on the list are probably the ones who have abused the "extreme" form, the ones I refer to who are not on the list are people who made a lazy RP "or they did not even do any RP, but different from Niro (I'm sorry, I do not want to offend him) did not do it in such a fast sequence, they simply reach the RP level (or a little above) and" ask " token to your classified friends, or classified from your clan or organization, so from one RP to another the log's stay hours or even days away from one another. But anyway, do not care about them, because it was a relative amount that I can not remember the names, because there would be no way to prove that the form they make is only peceptivel to who was present at the time. Already the list is good as an example, do not try too hard Ueda, enough is enough.
  13. I'm sorry to say but ... this is a shame, I see little regret here, and I think there really are lack a lot of people on this list yet. How can you do that with the little RP we have? RP is not a required path, but it's not because you do not want to do it you that should must cheat to "pass it," just do not do it. I have good memories of all my RP's, but the most memorable is my RP 2 which I and two Genin level 17-22 had to steal the rattles of a level 50 Jonin, we had to defeat him or survive him, alone we had three chances and in case of failure we could no longer do PR with that Jonin, we went on the third try after analyzing our mistakes in the previous attempts and analyzing the qualities and abilities of each member of our team. That was the golden era, that was difficult, the RP today are good but do not compare with those of old and even easier today ... there are still people who cheat, I'm very sad. Thank you so much for your brief teachings @Rohan (if I remember correctly ... you were the Jonin), you showed me that the world can be hard and it was one of those that helped me prepare myself for it.
  14. Thanks for your hard work but...more shelves when?