
Silver Ninja
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Jon last won the day on June 7 2015

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  1. Jon

    Blue Screen

    Blue screen not too sure why this happens. I am using crossover, but I did notice when I turn on legacy map rendering it fixes itself so maybe its a directx issue idk... lmk if someone finds a solutions...
  2. Jon


    is this game still available on Mac? can't find it anymore. tried using whiskey(similar to bootcamp) nd it wouldn't work....
  3. Jon

    Community Survey

    Yep, everything is simpler and it looks way better to me.
  4. ummm when will the winners be posted?
  5. imma redraw it lol and imma draw more of the body dis time lmfaooo
  6. yes, thx but i knew that i was just trying to make it look a little more original lol.
  7. can i submit some more or would that be annoying ? lol
  8. can i add new ones to the one i posted up there?