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    A Sea of Ash

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  1. Van

    "Location: kirigakure" I hope we actually get a mist village soon.
  2. The bots strike again... >_>

  3. One can dream, I find it kinda difficult to tell... if the hatred I see in-game is real or artificial sometimes. For instance, is it part of your in-character's role play "personality" or are you out-of-character and really hateful towards nin of the other factions. *shrugs* ...peace would be boring I guess in I.C., but it be nice to have O.O.C. wise...
  4. I think about 20 minutes ago a bunch of bots raided the forums? wtf

  5. Thanks @Dona for info on the seals/flicker issue, post deleted. Now to find out how to get it with out buying a scroll lol

  6. If I go gold would it be too cheesy to use Spin & Blast from naruto as a theme?
    its so good tho, amrite?


  7. There we go, now you have an image for the man O.O
    I think I used way too much blur and solid colors for the facial area
    But meh, I was rushing .__. close enough right? Might work on a banner next.

  8. Might update my profile soon with something edited or original art.

  9. Updated my bio some after seeing some of you got some interesting bios going on.
    I can't say too much, since I'm not to familiar with the plot for Nin or if its going the Naruto route. I'll add more as more things happen in game or something.

  10. Nice, looking forward to one of these events.
  11. Nice screenshot That 2650 HP tho... lol Wish the sand was this lively.
  12. Van


    Rip, its so small, I cant read the text
  13. This looks amazing, havent found this area yet, think I found the entrance though blocked by a mirage xD