
Gold Ninja
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Zabu last won the day on May 5 2023

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  • Trash Collector

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  1. Jutsu Bugs/Jutsu not working as intended 1. Earth Wall and/or Barrier Tag disappear when someone enters or leaves the map 2. Water wave, Wind Scythe, Earth Spikes and Fire dragon all phase through targets without hitting sometimes with water wave being the most common and fire dragon being more uncommon. it may happen with other jutsus these are just the 4 I've seen it happen to consistently (water wave almost daily) 3. Tripple tag has a 7 tile hitbox instead of 3 tiles (The back 2 tags having a 3x1 hitbox) Wm needs to be crucified
  2. Dont forget to flush
  3. i went to spy on leaf hokage office got my mission 120/120 i ran back to sand and in sand guard duty it said "guarding interrupted" above my head even though i had the leaf survey hokage office mission and it reduced my mission from 120/120 to 118/120 which is physically impossible to get on the mission and now i got to go back to leaf to redo it. please fix
  4. Zabu

    My spar list

    looking forward to it
  5. i was also thinking that as a substitute. 40 sounds more fair yall better not run 3k hp builds though i stg
  6. i think 50 stat points in fortitude would make leaf incredibly annoying to kill since you already have 10% chance of coming back up in a war. I do agree 12 g needs a buff, but i think this is overtuned. + 15 into every stat would make more sense, because leaf also have the biggest org member limit
  7. A young but powerful bandit arises from the ashes.
  8. @Corgee Sasayaki there’s suppose to be 10x more leaf than sand. (: