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Mana last won the day on January 8 2022

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  1. You were looking for some complex answer in my comment but the answer was already there and it was quite simple. If you get a feeling that you are following a storyline, then that is all you need for a immersive gameplay.
  2. Nobody wants to look for clues or spend a lot of time on a questline. As long as the actual storyline is immersive and the quests are not filled with kill 100 this and collect 100 this without any storyline progression as if you were stuck in a typical asian arcade that the lead developer seem to love, then people will actually enjoy going through it. There is 0 need to overcomplicate things but 100 need to make it look and seem more interesting.
  3. Mana


    Very well detailed and balanced take on the problems haunting this mastery. One step at a time.
  4. Mana

    Bubble Clone

    Agreed. The homing-one shot clone experiment is a failure, we have the data to support this claim. I would much rather change it to a traditional summoning with higher fortitude or go with this suggestion.
  5. Nerf HP regen while you're at it. After the first change it was too slow, now it's too fast.
  6. Mana


    So let's omit the numbers and percentages for a second. If by killing tentacle which is far easier than to combat the Kuraken itself, you deal damage to Kuraken then would this not mean that you could omit fighting Kuraken entirely by simply hoarding or soloing the tentacle(s) since they always respawn?
  7. No for advantage in PvP. The rest of suggestions like charm re-selection, tool and pill discounts sound nice.
  8. nice u caught michael's rant about dildos before he deleted
  9. Finally something good comes out of that hollow head of yours.
  10. It will still remain as a one time use jutsu you would cast before mapswitching. It's incredibly boring no matter how you look at it. You can cast heals on top of the engager and it won't be much of a difference between that and antibodies.
  11. Remove it all together. Useless jutsu no matter how you look at it because of how situational it is. Interesting idea for replacement: Barrier Jutsu - Barrier Tag's big brother that does a far better job and scales barrier's HP with chakra. This would already see far more use than antibodies and would be viable in all sorts of situations because it is a good jutsu for a chakra medic to have.
  12. Would also love to finally have some PvP content ex. new Jutsus, necessary reworks, fixes that have been long overdue. Feels like the greatest aspect of the game has been in the backseat for a very long time.