
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Rumaki

  1. i luv this sng btw <3

  2. ohhw.. this is some next lvl sht going on here.. :eyes:
  3. Inb4 a man post his whole yt channel oh.. wait
  4. eum.. nothing obviously.. normal clothes.... clan clothes are for clan members -. -
  5. Die and lose ur bounty !
  6. Nobody abuses kills cuz u get nothing from it but bounty u can get ryo or complete mission, or just to be at the top of bounty book
  7. Go ahead and fake 2k kills
  8. trust me I camped leaf danger zones for days with different alts hiding under trees he don't go out.
  9. 404 error village not found.
  10. What about... not doing anything at all.. fan is perfect no need to remove it from leaf.
  11. Nobody can take my fan away from me.
  12. danm this is good im going for poison medic !!!
  13. Ohhh, u right, naruto was a shadow clone master. Shadow clones were basic jutsu kinda useless used in weak fights only like that sakura vs ino fight, the others could barely used shadow clones cuz they costed too much chakra like kakashi could only do 1 lightning shadow clone in a while and kiba was trying to do 2 but couldbt maintain it. Only ppl like naruto with too much chakra could spam this jutsu oof this could be used in nin
  14. Nah since naruto shadow clones were thought to everyone at the Academy as a basic jutsu, u wouldn't be able to pass the genin exam if you couldn't do a clone but i guess ye its true that they are more used in boruto but we got some interesting clones in naruto like itachi's explosive clones, konan's clones made of paper bomb, kakashi's lightning clone, hashirama's wood clones, Darui's black light clones and the mizukage's huge clone in the last ninja war. This clone was the greatest
  15. can u post a ss of that sword ? Cuz ive never heard of this player before nor seen him/her
  16. Can everyone get a free name change when clans are out? Cuz some ppl like me wanna keep their RP clan till ingame clans are added
  17. just wondering, is it possible to make it like leaf ninja get XP from killing sand ninja inside their village and in their Guard Duty area ? - that way players wont be able to bot cuz if u afk at sand GD and you are a leaf ninja, you die in 30 sec - player wont be able to spam kill, or get XP for free. Once you enter sand's you will not stay alive for more than 1 min i think that will work because it will be hard to cheat to get that XP actually you will have to raid or something.
  18. Maybe making a hotbar where we can use Q W E R T Y U O P A U can just place it where the old hotbar was on top of the screen. Players maybe can have option to hide it or not