
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Rumaki

  1. a quick fix to nadoes could be just to raise triple nadoes requirements to 40 str or something
  2. "this isn't 2017 " Lmfaoooo, N he walked away, must've been a ping/fps boosted canadian like @Boo
  3. @SaphV2 go for it plzzzzzzzz
  4. Relax, Cloud isnt out yet.
  5. - get the weapon done ( if u want something added into the game that rory wasnt originally planning on get the art done urself couple weapons, cosmetic, summons, even map were commissioned by players ) - Find a real purpose/reason to it ( put ur heads together with ur leafie homies n ask " why tf would leaf need a whole ass weapon ???" sayin cuz sand n mist has one n they op is not enough of a reason, put RP in the mix find a real purpose and meaning to the weapon " - convince rory ( Welp now you have ur art done, u have a real reason n the RP behind it Good luck ) - prob aint gon be added anyways ( nice try, atleast the art could be used for something else. )
  6. I regret letting @Atrane go back to leaf
  7. yknow i luv ur sht the result of good diri ak sos pwa everyday my boi
  8. rogues can be in 7sm they just need an invite theres nothing blocking a mist ninja to go rogue with their sword as long as they dnt get kicked from the org that is
  9. happened to me a lot using the new client but not with the normal one
  10. - needs to be lvl locked we don't want lowbies to get hurt by this - will have too much of an impact on people just doing dailies/farming/ running around doing normal stuff that had nothing to do with BI in the first place - does not rlly stop anyone from bi warrioring when it comes to defend raid points or just a village raid - will negatively affect rogues more than anyone I suggest to make the HP cap you lose with bi scales with lvl instead the high ur lvl the more hp u lose from BI bi warriors would ve way easier to deal with and without hurting anyone rlly
  11. gotta sign, gotta siiign signed
  12. Dnt wanna wait an additional hour for my -5% to reset no ty
  13. we seek for what we prefer or lack in. The fact that you don't have a med/element combo doesn't mean you won't be given a fair trial or wont have a chance to get in.
  14. reasoning thrown out of the window bunch of monkeys arguing
  15. My good friend jessica i wonder if you remember me AYOOOOOOOO @Atrane