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Balcoin last won the day on January 1 2024

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  1. False I don't hate you cause I don't care about you enough to put in the effort to Solution.. if you're feeling like a black sheep instead of playing victim leave or roll with the punches everyone's been spam killed in takumi so idk what makes you feel like you're case is any different by spinning the false narative of racism I've dealt with racism & homophobia in this game I never played victim and might I add you were one of those bigots that threw derogatory slurs at me even telling me to kill myself n so on I still never played the victim so you should suck it up n move on cause rn sis this isn't even cute and you're being a hypocrite at this point VID_601630319_094457_304.mp4
  2. Do we have receipts of any of this happening so just accusation? I don't wanna toot my own horn here but I'm also black and if that was the case wouldn't they also attack other black ninjas? Its still giving delulu
  3. umm if the 2nd entrance turns out to be as tiny as the main entrance umm whats to say you won't get the same end result being as it already takes a hot min to load into villages anyways on map switch
  4. umm i have a few ideas for both Int Path: Zesshi Nensan (Fanged Tongue Acid) Description: A very corrosive acid which is expelled from the mouth. It is capable of being projected far distances, with the strength to even dissolve rocks. However, being as acidic as it is, it must be spat very cautiously from the mouth, making it a very slow attack that will not succeed unless your opponent's speed is hindered. Satsugaite no Jutsu (Killing Hands Technique) Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of killing chakra, which is the complete opposite of the Chiyute no Jutsu (Healing Hands Technique). Through concentrating their chakra in a manner opposing the Chiyute, instead of rebuilding and restoring another person's cells, this jutsu intends to destroy and unravel another person's cells. Chuusuusei Shikeikiden (Central Nervous System Electrical Shock) Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja turns their chakra into an electrical pulse which is transmitted into an enemy's body by striking the base of their neck. The electrical impulse travels up their brain stem and disrupts the flow of electricity in the nervous system. The brain cannot work like this, thus all communication between the brain and body are confused, causing a person to move their arm when they should be moving their leg, and generally debilitating them. Only an unusually skilled ninja would be able to overcome such a handicap. Chakra Path: Chiyute No Jutsu: Ichidanto (Healing Hands Technique: Major) Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of healing chakra. This chakra, when concentrated, can repair physical damage to another person. With this level of technique, a Jounin has reached the end of what can be accomplished without the aid of a hospital. All but the most critical injuries can be healed and in some cases even injuries that would otherwise lead to a swift death can be reduced just enough to transport the patient to a hospital. Ninja Kigusuri Souzou (Ninja Medicine Creation) Description: Ever wonder who exactly makes something like a soldier pill or a blood replenishment pill? The answer is a medical-nin with extremely advanced knowledge of how to make medicine. With this skill a medical-nin is able to create beneficial tools for allies and team mates using naturally occurring substances. Most medicines are closely guarded secrets in villages and in some cases they are only passed down directly from master to student. Unlike normal medicine creation, this technique is not possible ‘in the field’ and requires a medical-nin to at least set up a makeshift medicine lab in order to create the desired medicine. Healing Seal this jutsu will place a mark on an ally or yourself upon casting it when your health or the allies health falls below 40-50% it activates a Cellular regeneration or a heal similar to it (as for the ninjas thinking this may be oped it has a downside so don't get your panties in a bunch) for each ninja you give the seal to you loose the portion of your chakra until the time for the seal has passed say for example it takes 90-100 chakra every use you won't be able to get your full chakra points back until the seal timer has ended or it was activated and completed it's task
  5. i remember someone on the suggesting wind shuriken should be usable without shuriken but with a downside make the jutsu alot weaker without the actual tool consider it a little wind blast without the actual tool to give you the full damage of the jutsu some can be done for poison senbon since we already have the icon for difference being the jutsu without the tool means no CC ability tho it seems like a fair trade of for broke ninjas until they learn to maintain they bag
  6. I mean I'd vote for anyone with a vision tho I still have yet to see what council members actually do for the village tho
  7. I'm a bhaddie and it's hot girls summer so yh that's why
  8. Balcoin

    Balance team

    Who's even in the balance team? cause so far I only see raitou
  9. Girl rn you're serving canteen snacks while tear took the time to serve a dish miss me with touchie feelie emotions skit instead of taking a dump on someone else's work you should take the time to work on your own if forum combat appeals to the rest of your girl squad hit me up on nin gen where my claws are always Sharpened Tata sis
  10. Yet instead of making a post of your own you preferred to leave this on a post she made? Bet you thought you ate that huh