
Gold Ninja
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Balcoin last won the day on January 1

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Ninja Bio

BIO:                                                                                           Uchiha Symbol Wanheda Uchiha Symbol

Name: Balcoin


Hair: Purple

Eye Colour: Gold and Snake-like

Skin colour: Pale

Height: 6ft

 Age: 28

Eating habits: Meat Eater (Occasionally feeds on blood)

Gender: Non-binary

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Rank/Classification: Genin 

Clan: Jakusha/Kazuki

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Masteries: Nature Icon WaterDokutonNature Icon Yin–YangKetsuryūgan Symbol
Weapons of choice: Bubble pipe,Scalpals,Senbons 

Family: Chinome/Kurama/Jakusha/Kazuki

Titles: Queen / Leader/ Diva

Place of Birth: The Kingdom Nataris Land of the Sea Symbol Land of the Sea

Place of residence: Hidden Mist Village Sound Four Symbol

     Land of the Sea Symbol Story Land of the Sea Symbol
 Growing up in the kingdom of Nataris was peaceful, Only thing human was my father Belcoin the fishermen and mainlanders that I would watch cross the oceans, Tho it was graphic to look at as a child as the "guardian of the ocean" it's name was Hafgufa many feared and respected it as it kept outsiders away from the island which kept us all safe to live our peaceful lives, Since we've all heard tales of the chaos on the mainlands, within the lands of wind and the lands of fire, my parents always told me stories of the times of war where man would come to our lands to wage war on a village on the other side of the island the kingdom of Nataris,Which was safe due to the creatures that lived within the kingdom and the plants that men feared as they would experience things they couldn't expain if reaching our shores, plants such as Ghost grass it would make anyone that touches it hallucinations making them believe they are being haunted by the ones they've killed or the most beautiful flowers on our island called the Dusk rose, for they were known to be the most venomous plants ever encountered they also very much feared our locals since they've never seens such creatures before, such the Gorgons which my mother Stheno was, Also the Naggas and the mermaids they lives in the waters below the kingdom always peaceful until threatened, it was a mystical place to grow up in tho my parents wanted me to remain within the kingdom since I would be next in line to take the throne, but I wanted to have a full life with the experiences of attending the academy within the hidden mist village thats been under constant attack by ninjas of the lands of fire and wind, I never understood why they hated us but I wanted to learn and maybe pass my knollege of medical ninjutsu and practices to make the village safer, since I know for a fact that if the hidden mist village falls it won't be long before men decide to come after my home and I can't let that happen.                                                                                              

                                                                                               Things to know

Also here's the tea as a ninja that Travels many lands I don't speak any other language other than that of my native tongue so I won't repeat myself cause that's the type of ninja I am I'm blunt and to the point, if this bothers you I suggest you steer clear of me 





