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Sell your soul and a few $ to it and it might happen. I'm kidding, they would change the missions as much they change the balance, no matter what players are ready to do for it. No for real tho: People already only do pvp missions by buying kills from alt accounts for ages now. This kind of change would just intensify it. There is a reason why the missions and gameplay feels static & the issue is found in the core and ignorance lmao.
Just name it pay2win. You'd have to make Nin a fulltime job, to join pvp and pve activities daily without going broke.
Just sell nin credits for ryo, problem solved. Marketing trash at its best.
Looking good, the end got me tho. The production cost for the Shuriken scene must have been insane.
The similarities between Nin and majority of bad mobile games are scary.
What's awful: Acc trading is still an ongoing thing, for years now. Why? Because leveling is garbage. Without the intention to offend anyone, but obviosly the gms and running admins aren't competent enough to fix that issue either. So why not taking the money for the project instead of supporting that low key slavery. XD
Ah, boosters from 1-30 or even to 50. Might just take the progress as serious as balancing and shallow content. Who knows, maybe the game actually has a serious chance with it.
Not really in posession of anything fancy, so.. I still give it a try. :3 Spooky lady or so.. ' v';;
For most people, the experience of getting slain as a newbie, is the only pvp experience they will have. Getting to 50 is the only toxic/hardcore part I can think of right now. If you could fight back, the overwhealming feeling of toxicity would fade out a little more. But what do I know.
Warning: This is going to be a long review, because well. - There is a lot to go through. I'm also not an easy person so.. it could be.. annoying? sorry in advance. The review is separated in two parts, good and bad, classic. each got their own points, you can scroll through and find them easily. Positives: The Community -My perspective The World The Content -Arcs -Bosses -Designs The Endgame -My perspective Negatives: The overall Gameplay -Daily Routine -Road to 50 -Balance Conclusion follows in the end. The Community I can't tell how much I love the community of NinOnline. It doesn't matter if veteran or fresh Player, the vibes are the same. (Have fun, enjoy the game and improve) This leads to the experience, that the game keeps staying lively even with a low amount of players being around at times. Kageship, Organizations, Chunin Exams, RP Sessions/Missions, PvP or Boss Fights are unique in their own, everytime! Every generation passing has it's own story shaped by the community being around at that time, which is why the game is amazing even with it's down sides. It's amazing. The World The Game offers a world with an environment that is simply breath taking. I remember the old days when Rory created Leaf on Stream before the public Alpha, everything is handmade and felt like a lot of work. Which reflects in the detail of the villages, I mean even now after so many years, tweaks are taken to improve the experience to walk inside that world. For a 2D game, the experience is great. You can feel walking a long a forest, over an ocean, through a desert, ontop of a Mountain or plains, mystical frog villages or harsh environments. Everyone who played Nin, can tell, what I'm talking about. Running from Leaf to Sand, Sand to Mist, Takumi to Tanzaku it always feels like a journey to an actual different country and you can tell, by just crossing the maps. I don't think that experience can be easily recreated. The Content I like how much the content has improved in Nin over the years, it is pretty fun to follow the Story in the Arcs, because it actually allows you to experience the life as a beginner, trying to help workers to finish their task in a fair environment, to more challenging and rewarding tasks. The environment grows with you and actually grants you something to look back to. The Bosses across the World are well designed as well, you don't feel too overwhelmed or too bored fighting them. The drops they share just make them even more interesting and turn them into a goal to chase for. (At least for some) They're also a fun skillcheck, to see if you are good enough to challenge them yourself or, if you have to come back and bring some friends. Even better, if PvP is involved. The design of character sprites, cosmetics and masteries are just perfectly designed to help you create the base of a Ninja you love to play and appear with. It doesn't feel like just a character, its actually some kind of "OC" no matter how you design it. (if you ignore the names given and beginner phase that is) The Endgame The endgame is by far the best experience of NinOnline. It has multiple layers depending on the type of player you are, but doesn't really get you bored, if the population is fair. You try to improve with your masteries to get better in PvP or to slay Bosses you aim for. You try to reach your goals, no matter if you want to be a leader, a villain, a guardian, a tutor or rich trader. The foundation is given for everything. PvP is the best part of the endgame in my opinion. It's fun to fight solo against one or multiple enemies, in group fights or even raids. If my friends are around and the population is fair, I could do it for countless hours. The overall Gameplay Daily Routine Even if you are a new player, curious for all the things the game has to offer, it gets dry quickly. Depending on the mastery you select, your rotation most likely looks like this: Ninjutsu User = You select a target, attack it, hold c and repeat. Melee User = You select a target, you attack it until your hp drops low, stay semi afk - repeat. This isn't too bad if you have people to do it with, because it can distract you from it, but after hours of the same routine, it will haunt you. It really does. As I keep saying, the dynamic is destroyed by exactly that routine. Monotone Gameplay up to 50 At first, the daily tasks seem super fun and are quite the challenge, but in most cases, the tasks are nothing but a bother. Now, with the recent update, even more. It doesn't matter if you're a level 13, told to slay 65 highly agressive Tigers with a single Jutsu and a cooldown of 18seconds, or a level 35, told to slay other players far above your skill level. In the end, you look at the clock, the reward and ask yourself "was it worth it?" - The joy of progression is lacking. It might be there, but it shatters over time. The same goes for grinding monsters for leveling. - You can do it for hours over hours and get small rewards such as scrolls, drops for a few ryo and some exp. - But, if you do it for days and you barely made any progress. - You really start questioning a lot of things. - Especially the purpose of it. Is the game trying to teach you something or is it just stretching the gameplay to make up for something? - In my opinion, NinOnline does not need hundreds of hours, grinding monsters with a boring routine to give you a journey. Because Nin's identity is found in Level 50. - The way to 50 should prepare you to it. Not make you quit before you actually did see it's glory. Indecisive Balance I know, a lot of people say, I don't have a word for it, because I don't PvP as much as they do. But! I actually love PvP just as much as PvE. - And I loved Nin for the freedom it offers to player in creation of their Ninja. Sadly, that kind of freedom is long gone. - And it does feel like, the freedom is being taken away more and more. I don't expect everyone to relate, but I try to explain my thought about it. The best example, is Medic. Since 9 years, I'm mostly focusing on Medic because it is what I love to do, support but still be a part of the action. (I'm not talking about hybrids) You had 3 roads to choose from. Be a fully supportive NInja that keeps your allies alive and maybe changes the outcoming of a battle. Be a fully offensive Ninja with a focus on poison, cc's and an incredible cool cursed seal that boosts yourself for a little while. Or, be a mix of both. Now, the balance forces you entirely into the "Be a free alternative for existing item's which can additionaly revive people or, be an offensive medic with 1-2 Jutsus" decision. I tried so many times to adjust to the changes, but.. the charme I felt in the mastery all the years, is completly dried out. I don't enjoy being a simple replacement of items that can revive on top of it. - I can't reset, because of the dry monotone gameplay that comes with it. I'm pretty sure, Medic is not the only mastery that experienced a similar change. After years of a break, I hoped it has changed, but with the balance team changes in the past month, it just proved, it didn't. Which is sad. Conclusion: I'm forced to quit the game, I love more than any other game & enjoyed to come back to every time. The game got a wonderful environment, but the road to 50 feels more draining than a full time job with overtime. - If it would be easier to reach level 50 and take part of the actual game, it would be a simple masterpiece. But in it's current state, it is simply blocking it's own potential by trying to be something, it can't be. Not in 2022. If one would tell me to pay 50$ to get a token to boost an alt from 1 to 50, with the basic requirement to have at least 1 main at level 50. I'd throw my money at the screen and scream "take it!". - Because the way to 50 for the first time is priceless. But only wonderful in the first time. I will have a look at the game on Steam release just to see how much it changed until then (since it was delayed again), and I'm very sorry if I offended anyone with this review. Best wishes, Konahri
What confuses me is. That 3 Kunai throw, consumes no Kunai at all. And it's fun to use. Why ruin other Jutsus as well? What's the meaning of forcing us into this nonsense of a grind. o_o; Anyways, the Grind as a medic hasn't always been this much of a pain in the butt. Which is why I'm a Medic in the first place. Rory should allow the use of bots, and my complains about grinding for Tools would be gone. - I don't mind leaving my char to farm Larvae for a night, if I can play a hour with fun. Totally worth it. I just don't want to feel stupid for trying to play the game. (stupid as in, playing like a bot.) Which is why I'm desperate right now. Thank you!
Hey! As the Title says, I need help! I love being a Chakra Medic. But I hate all the downside it comes with. I also have too much in my inventory I can't move or want to erase, for a reset. (Neither I want to end up suicidal for replaying the game to 50 once more) How do I fight, if my only options are Chakra Scalpel and Tools? Chakra Scalpel has a 2 second cast, means.. everyone can run up to me, push me, and keep me out of combat for an entire minute. Tools, cost money and are highly ping dependent. (Either the throw is delayed or doesn't even happen but the item is consumed anyways) So.. I try to farm material to keep getting Tools, since it is required, obviously, to actually participate in the game. Boring? hell yes. The question? What do you guys do, to buy Tools? apart from spending real money for ryo. Things I tried: Hunting mobs & sell their drops: I would have to grind about an hour, to participate in exactly 4 battles, if I'm lucky. Drops barely sell for anything, at least, the ones I can hunt without being forced to stop the grind every few seconds because I'm being destroyed. Blanks are a good way, but. If we do the math, it's also not helping much. 1 Blank goes for 250-300 Ryo. 200 Tools go for 400Ryo. It helps, but still. - That's not gaming. It forces me to "work" to play for a limited time, before I have to work again. It would be alright, if I wouldn't feel like a programmed farming bot, who simply has to hold down an attack button and walk up to enemies. Is that how the game is supposed to be, or is there something I didn't see? please help!
I'm confused. Balance team is player based for players. It's a nice approach, but it doesn't solve the problem in my opinion. First of all, a balance patch shouldn't change a mastery to a point, where it becomes something entirely new. Sure it sounds good. But if you spend weeks in a sanity/time devouring daily routine just to reach the endgame, you don't want your desired mastery to change. You picked the mastery for a reason. Unless you get a compensation in case of a mastery reset. Second, the approach to balance the masteries is great. you work on them one by one to make them "great", the problem tho: You make them great in "your" opinion. - If its the staff deciding the changes, we have to accept it to a degree. But if players do it, you can most certainly say, its biased. Even if they claim its not, we're still human beings. (not very smart ones either) The perfect balance is easy to achieve, without to ruin the actual structure people spend their lifetime for, on the run to the endgame. You pick a mastery, find it's flaws and tweak it, to a point, where it's able to keep up with other masteries. Then you pick the next mastery and do the same. You don't break them by nerfing them over and over. Unless as mentioned in the first point, you actually compensate the player. A stat reset isn't really much of a compensation, if you just destroy weeks of work in a blink of an eye.
I know my opinion is barely weights anything, because I don't spend much time in a barely working pvp system. Not because its designed poorly, but more like, it lacks essential tweaks. Which is why I agree with the confusion of pace. It's the same answer everytime I ask for hints. You want to fight? Punish mistakes. It makes sense but.. what if the system itself has a huge mistake? With all the homing stuns and only one actual basic way to evade it, its just.. lame? We call ourself Ninjas with great abilities, great enough to lead or beat villages, but we can't even block or dodge. Its a one-time sub against a silly amount of homings. I think its a difficult topic to come up with, since pace is not the issue. '-' Thought I share my view, because why not. ._.