Kiyousei Mika

Gold Ninja
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Kiyousei Mika last won the day on January 13 2018

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About Kiyousei Mika


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    Washington State

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  1. Oh, my very first account! So cool that it's still here.

    1. Mizu Kurama

      Mizu Kurama

      So you're...talking to yourself? xD

    2. Rumaki
    3. Kiyousei Mika

      Kiyousei Mika

      Yes! I keep forgetting about this account. I'm hoping this way I won't forget. : 3 

  2. I love your profile, Ryouta! ^-^

  3. Fun! I'm glad Nin is implementing these kinds of ideas. ^-^
  4. Wow, this is all so awesome! I look forward to seeing all of this implemented into NinOnline! :3
  5. Anborn should come up with more tournament ideas. This sounds fun. :3 Thanks, Anborn!
  6. You still need to make a nin bio!!

  7. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate! As others have said, don't push yourself too hard. ^-^
  8. You joined Nin on my birthday! :D

  9. Nice bio. :3 

    1. Kiyousei Mika

      Kiyousei Mika

      Thank you! Not as nice as yours, though.

    2. Fenyx


      Well you are the lesser version of me so it makes sense. 

  10. Idk. People having their items that they earned taken from them seems like a pretty obvious downside. xD The idea is fine, but shouldn't be implemented using existing items. New items should be created with the intent of being village-exclusive. That way both sides win.. nobody gets their items taken, and Nin still gets that RP aspect.
  11. I'll be extremely upset if any of my current items are taken from me, though. It's not even JUST about there not being a large enough selection. Nobody should have their items that they obtained fairly, through hard work, taken away from them. Add more cash shop items. Add more in-game items. Add one cash shop and one in-game item that is village-exclusive. Don't mess with what is already owned by many. :c
  12. I do not like the idea of village-exclusive clothing. Maybe WAYY later on.. after we obtain more non-exclusive clothing.. an item or two can be released in each village (same item, different color in each village). It can definitely add a small, yet interesting aspect to the game. Like how Leaf has gentle fist and Sand has fan jutsu. I think more clothing should be added in-game, as well as in the cash shop, before we start worrying about something like this. Maybe some cute accessories as well, like mouse/ lamb ears? >.> I'm not completely against the idea.. but at this point in the game, I would only see this change as a downgrade. Please do not change any of the current wearable items to something that is village-exclusive. Tables WILL be flipped.
  13. Thanks so much Rory and Nin community! I love NinOnline.
  14. I'm an Earth-style user. Thanks for your hard work!!