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Sunshine last won the day on November 20 2017

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  1. The main issue a lot of people have with fan is not that Leaf can use it but the fact that an element mastery which is full of instant casts and god knows what can equip a fan and stop casts without having to use their CC jutsu to do so, they can also use the fan knockback to land their instant cast jutsu more easily. STR Fan is at least balanced by the fact it has a lot of selfstuns so the fan knockback and cast stopping isn't that much of an issue. Fan knockback/cast stopping should be limited to the fan mastery. Fan is missing a lvl 35 jutsu which could easily be made into a buff jutsu which makes your melee knockback/cast stop. The logic behind the jutsu would be that the user starts focusing more strength into their swings causing their melee attacks to start knocking back.
  2. Will missings be getting any ranks soon? (S-rank criminals or something like that)