
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by PrinceLoliFutanari

  1. My reply got rolled back too lol
  2. Nah he's #1 assholes* since he has two.
  3. Wow, with the little time you have @Rory, you sure are making progress.I can't imagine how it would be when you finally get released! Nin Online's design is so orginal it just makes me happy on the inside just looking on the inside. I like how the village is just mostly one big map unlike most GOA games. Keep up the good work.
  4. Beelzebub's ending had me in tears, then the Daimou was indecisive again -_________-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Man


      ^ What he said, AMAZING! imo

    3. PrinceLoliFutanari


      Lol people thought his pacifier was a nose! When he took his pacifier out at the end of the show it ruined his character.

    4. Destructo


      Isn't this the show where Satan makes some japanese kid his baby daddy* ?

  5. I thought this was going to be about Ants.
  6. You should add a command that allows players to move around controls, so everyone can make themselves comfy.
  7. Beelzebub is love, Beelzebub is life.

  8. Those days where I would constantly ask you about bwwa...ahh those days xD

  9. I think some styles should not stack, as in items not boost. Like if you had goggles and you just had them on your forehead like Obito, shouldn't be able to wear a headband.
  10. This is a great idea, I love rp but with pcp makes it even better.
  11. FUCK MY BROKEN LAPTOP...I just missed a chance to be in the trailer LOL
  12. Omg that happens on Goa type games so's OPly annoying.
  13. View this website in inverted colors. It looks 110% cooler

    1. Mart456


      I am going to try this :-p

    2. PrinceLoliFutanari


      The katon dragon looks epic

    3. Jon


      it looks sick

  14. Gintama (ï¼â€¸áƒš)

  15. When you ask your friends on byond to refer you and they like "why" and "for what" and they make without refering you LOL

  16. Hate the Ninonline Emojis, ruins the fun :(

    1. Wolf
    2. Ueda
    3. Wolf


      they're ugly and too small to see the facial expression unless you really look closely, which is a hassle

  17. Damn, didnt log on, saw my name in gray text and thought I was a silver ninja T_T its depressing