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  1. Yes. Since always. Now hold jump for boosted jump with a chakra effect and chakra speed boost when u run+C would be nice too. Its already a game breaking feature that mostly added expressivity to the game. hop hop hop
  2. I'm working on dis. Probably will finish something useable soon. Need upvotes so that the devs would consider a suggestion to put it in when I finished. As for now, yeah, I am making sum sum and its looking like this. I need suggestions to change the design because as of right now its too simple. Jué from WW inspired, Sun Wukong Inspired, Gohan inspired WIP
  3. You already admitted that you're just hating, I'm sorry to break it down to you, a suggestion subforum is for things that aren't implemented in game and probably never will, you seem to think it's for ranting and hate speech. If you're not going to contribute positively, why do so negatively? I can at least say my suggestion was on topic critizising the quest system and xp farming limitations early game. Enough people told you to piss off and let people have their opinion already, what makes you so defiant? (I don't want an answer please, thanks) Let's just hear what the rest of the community has to say about this guy's/thread suggestions and try to have the game optimized for a larger audience, after all, we want the community to be bigger, not smaller, and the game needs it too for its core mechanics to shine. Market being as it is, they're gonna have to sacrifice a little bit of vision to attract a playerbase at first.
  4. I sense much defeat in your spirit young one. I appreciate your explanation, maybe you're right, maybe not, don't be mad, don't take it on people. You're hating period.
  5. I'll let you know I'm steadily levelling 4 levels per week, I am in no rush, I'm trying to experience the game and the community, the game lacks repeatable time-worthy content (XP/RYO worthy) to help get closer to endgame early on, there could be many more jutsu too, there's a lot of npc's who don't do anything in this game, a village friendship points by talking to all npcs would be fun, specially with all the funny dialogues the game has. I think it's a mistake not having a main storyline that steadily levels you up to level 15 and then you're let on your own to farm quests and other content/mobs. I'm having fun however as a Tai user, not yet so much involved into the game's mechanics and barely managing to perform nice combos yet in PvE, not even ready for PvP besides spamming attacks. As I discover the game, I see things I consider could be better, why the hate? Explain it at least, cause I'm doing my grind, but I'm not a hardcore grinding neet, I'm sorry if that upsets you. I'll let you know it's also fun to just be online not grinding for me right now, talking to people and learning how things work around here, not just an endless grind, although, I'm in heavy need of Ryo as of right now (increase drop rate of trash itemz pls [X Chance for double or triple drop ;).
  6. Listen here, kid. You will respect my opinion, which is at the very least as valid as yours and that's enough reason, and moreover you will chill your entitled art, because not everybody is a hardcore 2D game grinding kid, some people work real jobs and, some people, to your utter surprise, have STANDARDS in the industry. But moreover you will chill your flaping attitude because I helped to develop what you're enjoying with your 2 wasted human eyes, and my opinion often influenced what you're enjoying now not only graphics wise. My opinion isn't almighty, you're not expected to agree with it, but what is this highschool playground threatening? I don't care what you do in game, enjoy pvp as intended by the devs then.. It's funny you talk about improvise, adapt and overcome, you're talking about this game as if it were your life, ironically seems like you're trapped in your room taking this game so seriously because you cannot do any of those things in real life. Have respect whilst giving a shit opinion, if I had the power to do so and I saw you talk trash like that here about anyone, you're banned minimum 1 month, to teach your art to chill. The worst and best part is you didn't even critisize my suggestion, you just tried to attack me, I hope so there's moderation here and they do their job.
  7. Personally, all things considered and, from a newbie's point of view, the fact that skills are levelled through usage but levelling is a harduous task really kills the game. I've been stuck on level 10-20 for years, out of feeling totally uninterested to play despite liking the game from the beginning, there's no automated in game events, no dynamic and auto-randomly generated quests, early game mobs are too strong for their level and species, game overall makes no sense, the amount of actual human mobs for me is non existing (Fighting NPCs, with skills, stats, and putting up a better fight than a scorpion, then again, Scorpions are OP too). The game has greatly improved visually, but the feeling overall is as if it has completely given up on gathering more players, not even the ones that would be in for how the game is designed, they can't be attracted because honestly, playing this kind of difficulty for a game like this from early game, is the most unattractive thing for a gamer no matter who it is, I bet there's more than 1 veteran around here that just has their Nin open and simply takes out the phone to play some gacha game instead. My meant-to-be humble and honest opinion as an easy patch: - Remove mission limit, generate quests constantly, idk if this is implemented, but the more low rank quests you clear, you should be able to access higher rank ones, and not necessarily harder, for example: Kill 30 Scorpions, D rank, reward 1200xp+25Ryo/ Kill 300 Scorpions and Bring 60 Tails A rank, 12000xp+250Ryo. - Need mods for in game events. - Revised Exp curve, I think an easy start and a harder end game is basic for any game, it should not take someone more than a few 3 hours to reach level 20 of relaxed grinding between quests, mob xp and whatnot. - Attendance rewards, seriously, reward players for logging in, this is standards nowadays, shouldn't be suggested at all. - Battle Pass, separate from Gold/Silver, monthly, the game has been neglected so, there's barely any combination of rewards that would be meaningful, there's no crafting system to my knowledge, there's no weapon enchantment, there's nothing at all to bring in to the table for this, I personally think everything needs to change within Nin regarding Resources/Items, how they're obtained, the uses they can be given and whatnot, and on top of it, a Free/Paid Battle Pass allowing players to seasonally get some rewards through sheer effort. - Karma System and Villages being a Safe Zone mandatorily, Leaf, Sand, Mist/etc Karma is accumulated/rewarded through killing other village members or by completing quests, this means that if someone only wants to quest in Leaf being from Sand and not do any fighting, their Karmic value can go from 0 to any positive amount and that will make them safe at that village, but having a negative one will automatically make them able to be attacked and targetted by npcs too - Equipment stats, seriously, need sum standards in this game for real lul. How can you wear armor or use weaponry that doesn't give you an advantage just by wearing it, at least use real life logic smh. Start by adding Damage Reduction, Evasion rate, Critical Chance/DMG and Weapon Damage. too lazy to write any more, there's too much I could say, but its already fruitless to suggest this much since it seems like Nin is heading towards a monotony+boring game plan since a long time ago.
  8. I need to figure out the movement of the chakra strings and the animation itself but, just scribbling over scrapped old art I used to make, would you like to see something like that in game?