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Tetsuya last won the day on January 17 2022

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  1. Tetsuya

    Some bugs

    Edit Yagyu vest have the same bug in walking up
  2. Tetsuya

    Some bugs

    1.Yagyu vest has 2 times the same frame in walking down. 2.Sakame mask don't have paperdoll when char is lying down 3.Bubble clone don't hit lot of times and when he's last hitting a mob he does'nt count: eg bears or else.
  3. that would be nonsense. They already sell their criminal services to earn Ryo. The organization would be meaningless if everyone could dress like them.
  4. Akat Robe is only for current Akat members and only them. Imagine every ex Akat member who will be able to wear it ? No way!!!
  5. Im not fan for "organized" Fight in dz. To be honnest i miss this type of team fight ! 3 village roaming and fighting till death. That was more smoother and natural than now with organized teamfight.
  6. Wind is not the worst solo mastery atm. The recently fix of drilling bug indirectly nerf again wind. The Triple drilling was a good mechanic but too strong in certain case. ( With lot of cc like Cutter, spike .... ) but very grateful without cc to land it. In my opinion Wind will became only spaming flicker claw and homming ( as pvp condition ) and running for cd like gf user. I think that the claw should have a running cast of 1sec + bleed and Knockback and that the vaccum should be put back in instant cast like before the nerf The runningcast+ selfstun are really punishing for the user with very little chance of success.
  7. Remember the Hidden Inner circle in leaf maybe. Remember when Esty Jail the whole Anbu and 12g to made them spawn takumi for raid it. Remember Mizukage exiling 7sm for grinding Bone sword boss. Did you need more example ? Sand is a Monarchy. The Jail is deserved. It disturbs the people who are already on the map to grind and disrespects the Kazekage
  8. This post is simply useless. It only shows your desire to have power at Sand one day when you are not even a Sand yourself. You are not part of the Leaf Inner circle (you can't be a Hokage if you are not Chunnin and in the good graces of the Leaf players) In mist you don't have the level to challenge the T.A members for the next tournament. Only option left: Try to change the System to Sand except that if the system ever changes to Pvp you still won't have the level. I just see a desperate attempt to show you. If the staff has to intervene it will do it by itself I think Erox or Rory don't need a spokesman. On that note have a good day
  9. If you want 1V1V1 go for Mist then. That's not how Sand works. And You forgot to talk about Leaf inner circle for Hokage. And Mist giving Mizukage without a tourney !!! This topic is nonsence. You want to challenge the whole system of a village to hope to take power one day. But even with a pvp system you wouldn't have a chance. Anyway, Rory has set up a system for each village, that's how it is.
  10. Remove Chakra Scalpel and Poison Scalpel when a Weapon is equiped is the way i think maybe exept with Kunai for Pscalpel. We are on a cancer Meta with Full Wm Med spaming Flicker PScalpel or Tai Med blood tonfa with CScalpel
  11. Tetsuya

    Buff Vacuum

    I think just remove the stun and keep slelf stun in instant cast and it's fine land vaccum with running cast without cc before is or very lucky or impossible