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Yukimura last won the day on September 16 2022

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    Somewhere in a fairy tail.

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  1. My Ninja regrets. I regret leaving the leaf 3 year ago with @Niti and them. They turned me into a toxic Takumian who only like to PvP and trash talk. Had I remained leaf I would pursue a more peaceful roleplaying approach, become a Jonin and teach new players how to play the game.
  2. As the leader of Cancers, I approve of this. Violence begets violence.
  3. I agree with @Lainn and the other guy. Much of the game is PvP reliant but the culture of this game is a bit too toxic, in a competitive way. So for the most part people only experience the full-package when they are at higher levels in the game. I don't think that your game design has anything to do with whether people stay playing or not. If you like Naruto, like 2D games or have a background in Byond and like to PvP then you will most likely remain to play NiN Online. This game isnt perfect, this game design is far from perfect. It looks good but the gameplay experience is lackluster in some of the aspects. We all know how many people have tried but quit because of this. In all for all, as Rory has said before "This game isnt for everyone and it is exactly what it should be."
  4. I agree with @Water this was by far the clean'est tournament up to date. While there were not as many participants this time, I expect the outcome of success to be the same with larger numbers, good job.
  5. Because you we're not allowed to kill there and you failed to follow that rule. @Rory I'm not saying don't fix things, fix them of course. Im simply pointing it out for future events. If there is abuse of any-kind, investigate and punish. You may fix problems, but the troublemakers won't go.
  6. Just to put it out. The traps we're fine for so long. Every weapon master knew (maybe some newbies who didn't know any better at first not, but later learned it) that you could not trap entrances, 3-tile rule was made, 1-tile rule was made. It was like a code of honor to follow as a WM. But everything changed when the leaf nation attacked. Reports were flying out, nothing happened. Beforehand people, me included we're suspended for such behavior. Suddenly there were more rule-breaking, I've tried to report them for something that I've been suspended before again only to get, "This is now allowed." when before the whole L playerbase was screaming how un-fair it was and to get people suspended. You may fix or find solution to something. But players still abuse the game one way or another. Unless you start punishing everyone and not just those that get the most reports. (Favoritism btw)